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Inverness, Lochgorm Railway Works And Carriage Sheds

Works (Mid 19th Century) (1860)

Site Name Inverness, Lochgorm Railway Works And Carriage Sheds

Classification Works (Mid 19th Century) (1860)

Alternative Name(s) Scotrail Inverness Depot

Canmore ID 82882

Site Number NH64NE 167

NGR NH 6693 4563

NGR Description Centred NH 6693 4563

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
Canmore Disclaimer. © Bluesky International Limited 2025. Public Sector Viewing Terms

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Digital Images

View from SW showing SSE front
View from SW showing SSE frontDistant view of Inverness Goods yard and Lochgordon WorksNear vertical aerial view of the centre of Inverness, looking W.Aerial view of Inverness Eastgate area, looking W.View from south west of west side of Carriage Cleaning Depot (formerly occupied by
 civil engineers' department)View from west along south side of Carriage Cleaning DepotInterior view from east south east in Coaching Maintenance DepotView of carraige sheds from SWView of carraige sheds from SWView of carraige sheds from SSWView from west along north west side of Traction Maintenance DepotView from north east in Washroom of Traction Maintenance Depot, showing row of 
fireclay sinks (centre), and washbasins (along far wall)View from north west of south west frontage of Traction Maintenance DepotInverness, Lochgorm Railway Works 
View from W showing WSW frontView from SSE showing window on SSE frontAerial view of Inverness Eastgate area, looking N.Aerial view of Inverness Eastgate area, looking N.View from west along south side of Carriage Cleaning DepotInterior view from west in Carriage Cleaning Depot, showing an Intercity Sleeper during 
cleaningInterior view from east in central bay of Traction Maintenance DepotInverness Station, Signal Box and Lochgorm Railway Works 
View from SE showing S front of signal box and E corner of Lochgorm Railway WorksView of signal box and locomotive shed, Inverness Station.View from west north west showing west end of Carriage Cleaning DepotView from south east of south corner of Carriage Cleaning Depot, formerly occupied by 
civil engineers' departmentView from east of Carriage Cleaning Depot, showing wooden platforms, and water tap
in foregroundGeneral view from south east of south east side of Traction Maintenance DepotView from south of south west side frontage of Traction Maintenance DepotView from north east along north west facade of Traction Maintenance DepotDetailed view of fireclay stall urinals in toilet block of Traction Maintenance DepotView from north east of Traction Maintenance DepotInverness, Lochgorm Railway Works
Distant view from S showing Lochgorm Railway Works and Inverness Goods StationView of the Scotrail Inverness Depot, Inverness.View from north west of two-storeyed range of buildings (formerly housed civil engineers
and canteen) at north corner of WorksGeneral view from east of Carriage Cleaning Depot, with wooden platformsInverness Station, Signal Box and Lochgorm Railway Works 
View from E showing S front of Lochgorm Railway Works and signal boxView from north west of west side of Carriage Cleaning Depot (formerly occupied by 
civil engineers' department)View from south east of south corner of Carriage Cleaning Depot, formerly occupied by
 civil engineers' departmentView of fuel bay (three diesel fuel tanks for locomotives), now serviced by road tanker 
instead of rail freight!View from south west of two-storeyed range of buildings (formerly housed civil engineers 
and canteen), at north corner of WorksExterior view from south east of east end of Carriage Cleaning Depot, showing wooden 
platforms and rolling stockView fromnorth west of south west frontage of Traction Maintenance DepotGeneral view from south west within central bay of Traction Maintenance Depot, 
showing Sprinter Unit with bogies removed, and replacement axles with differentials in 
foregroundAerial view of central Inverness, looking SSW.View from south west of west side of Carriage Cleaning Depot (formerly occupied by
 civil engineers' department)View from south west of south east side of Traction Maintenance DepotView from south west of single-storeyed rubble-built building in north corner of worksInterior view from west in Carriage Cleaning Depot, showing an Intercity Sleeper 
during cleaningView from east north east of Traction Maintenance DepotLochgorm Railway Works.
General view from South West within South East bay of Traction Maintenance Depot, 
with snow-blower track clearance unit partly visible (background left).View from east of south east side of Traction Maintenance DepotOblique aerial view of the town centred on works with the railway station and garage adjacent, taken from the NNW.Aerial view of Inverness railway station area, looking NE.Aerial view of Inverness and the Beauly Firth, looking WNW.Near aerial view of central Inverness, looking S.View from north west along north side of Carriage Cleaning DepotView from south east of two-storeyed range of buildings (formerly housed civil engineers 
and canteen) at north corner of WorksView from south east of south corner of Carriage Cleaning DepotView from east of east end of Carriage Maintenance Depot

Administrative Areas

  • Council Highland
  • Parish Inverness And Bona
  • Former Region Highland
  • Former District Inverness
  • Former County Inverness-shire

Archaeology Notes

NH64NE 167.00 centred 6693 4563

NH64NE 167.01 NH 6695 4585 Woodworking Shop

Not to be confused with Millburn, Roundhouse (railway engine shed at NH 6710 4560), for which see NH64NE 139.

Carriage sheds at NH 66955 45786.

(Undated) information in NMRS.

(Location cited as NH 669 657). Lochgorm Works, built c. 1855 by the Inverness and Nairn Rly and successors. The main block of workshops consists of three long bays of differing spans and heights, the carriage sheds (nearest the station NH64NE 150.00) being 34 bays long with round-headed, cast-iron window frames. The other substantial building on the site is a two-storey, 14-bay woodworking shop with a circular-section brick chimney.

J R Hume 1977.


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