Aerial view of Inverness Eastgate area, looking N.
SC 1903126
Description Aerial view of Inverness Eastgate area, looking N.
Date 1999
Collection Papers of James Sloan Bone, landscape historian, Inverness, Highland, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 1903126
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content In the centre is Inverness Railway station, opened in 1855 by the Inverness and Nairn Rly, and since rebuilt. It is beside the Lochgorm Railway Works, circa 1860 with later alterations and additions, noted for its long carriage shed. The works were by the Inverness and Nairn Railways for the construction and maintenance of locomotives and other stock. There are numerous references to associated buildings. In front of the station is the Station Hotel circa 1855. To the right of the station is Eastgate Shopping centre, first opened in 1983. Title and Scope & Content contributed by North of Scotland Archaeological Society (2021).
Accession Number 2019/15
External Reference P11175
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Copyright: NOSAS (James S Bone Collection). Courtesy of HES.
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