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Edinburgh, Holyrood Park, Arthur's Seat
Enclosure(S) (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Edinburgh, Holyrood Park, Arthur's Seat
Classification Enclosure(S) (Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) Queen's Park
Canmore ID 157237
Site Number NT27SE 3939
NGR NT 2787 7306
NGR Description Centred NT 2787 7306
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Edinburgh, City Of
- Parish Edinburgh (Edinburgh, City Of)
- Former Region Lothian
- Former District City Of Edinburgh
- Former County Midlothian
NT27SE 3939 centred 2787 7306
See also NT27SE 76.
A cultural heritage survey of Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, was undertaken in February 1996. The survey was designed to identify and evaluate the archaeological remains present withing Holyrood Park, through the examination of desk-based sources and a field inspection. A large number of sites were already recorded within the park and are listed in the NMRS. The following list is of sites not previously recorded (excluding rig and furrow and unassociated field banks), the majority of which relate to quarrying activities or are features associated with 19th-century use and management of the park.
NT 2785 7301 Rectillinear enclosure.
NT 2787 7311 Rectillinear enclosure.
A full report will be lodged with the NMRS.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
D Alexander 1996
Field Visit (15 December 1998)
Two rectilinear enclosures lie on the NE slope of Arthur's Seat, to the N of an extensive area of cultivation terraces (NT27SE 76 and 135). They are defined by low grass-grown banks up to 1.5m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The southern (upper) enclosure is trapezoidal on plan, measuring some 80m in length, but narrowing in breadth from 60m on the W to 38m on the E as it descends the slope (centred NT 2784 7302). It takes in a ridge of outcrop and overlies the cultivation terraces, traces of which can still be seen within the interior. The perimeter of the enclosure is complete, except for a break in the W end where a well-worn path cuts across its line. The second enclosure lies downslope from the NE corner of the first, and measures 105m from NNW to SSE by 50m transversely (centred NT 2787 7312); it also overlies the cultivation terraces, traces of which can still be seen within the S end. A short stretch of bank extends from its SE corner. Both enclosures are plotted at 1:5,550 on an archaeological map of Holyrood Park (RCAHMS 1999).
Visited by RCAHMS (ARG), 15 December 1998.
NMRS, MS/726/96 (57-8, no. 44); RCAHMS 1999.