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Edinburgh, George Street, General

General View (Period Unassigned)

Site Name Edinburgh, George Street, General

Classification General View (Period Unassigned)

Canmore ID 113410

Site Number NT27SE 824

NGR NT 2520 7400

NGR Description Centred NT 2520 7400

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Engraved view of George Street, looking East
Engraved view of George Street, looking East 
General view of George Street looking WestOrdnance Survey Map of  Edinburgh. Coloured 1st edition 'Edinburgh and its Environs' Sheet 29.
Includes Princes Street, George Street, Queen Street and Waverley Bridge.View of George Street, Edinburgh.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Frederick Street, Queen Street, Castle Street, Rose Street and Princes Street Gardens Bandstand, lookingSSE.Oblique aerial view of George Street, South St David Street, Princes Street and Jenners Department Store, looking NNW.Oblique aerial view of South St David Street, George Street, Princes Street and Jenners Department Store, looking NW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, North Castle Street, Young Street, Charlotte Square, South Charlotte Street, North Charlotte Street and Castle Street, looking S.Charlotte Square - Plan of square and eastward to Frederick Street including George Street
(plan also shows areas yet to be built on within the New Town)General view of George Street looking EastIllustrated receipt with engraving showing shop front of Menelaws, 143 George Street, Edinburgh.
Inscribed: 'Bot of William Menelaws'. Inscribed on verso; '1855 11 Dec Mr Menelaws'
Oblique aerial view of Frederick Street, George Street, Queen Street, Rose Street and Castle Street, looking NW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Frederick Street, Queen Street, Castle Street, Rose Street and Princes Street, looking NNW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Hanover Street, Frederick Street and Assembly Rooms, looking SSE.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Queen Street, Jenners Department Store, South St David Street and St Andrew Square, looking SE.Oblique aerial view of North Castle Street, Castle Street, Young Street, North Charlotte Street, South Charlotte Street and George Street, looking WSW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, North Castle Street, Young Street, Charlotte Square, South Charlotte Street, North Charlotte Street, Great Stuart Street, Castle Street, Randolph Lane and Ainslie Place, looking SW.Oblique aerial view of South St David Street, George Street, Princes Street and Jenners Department Store, looking NW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Hanover Street, Frederick Street and Assembly Rooms, looking SE.View from South EastOrdnance Survey Map of  Edinburgh. Coloured 1st edition 'Edinburgh and its Environs' Sheet 29.
Includes Princes Street, George Street, Queen Street and Waverley Bridge.Oblique aerial view of Princes Street, George Street and the Edinburgh Tramway, looking to the SW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Frederick Street, Queen Street, Castle Street, Rose Street and Princes Street, looking ENE.General view from North East of No.s 44-66.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Frederick Street, Rose Street, Queen Street, Castle Street, Great Stuart Street, Randolph Lane and Ainslie Place Garden, looking SSW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Hanover Street and Assembly Rooms, looking S.General view looking eastView showing Christmas/E.E.C. Summit illuminations, from WestView of George Street and new town from St George's churchFurnishings and design elements for Thomas Boga and Son.
Scanned image of drawing of detail for mantelpiece showing decorative floral motif.Oblique aerial view of Frederick Street, George Street, Queen Street, Rose Street, Princes Street and Castle Street, looking WSW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Frederick Street, Queen Street, Castle Street, Rose Street and Princes Street, looking ENE.General view looking eastGeneral view of church from South EastNine album photographs showing views of Edinburgh decorated for the coronation of Edward VII.  
Oblique aerial view of South St David Street, George Street, Princes Street and Jenners Department Store, looking WSW.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Hanover Street, Frederick Street, Princes Street and Assembly Rooms, looking E.Oblique aerial view of George Street, Hanover Street, Frederick Street, Princes Street and Queen Street, looking NE.View showing Christmas/E.E.C. Summit illuminations, from EastEdinburgh, George Street general.
View of panel benath shop window.

Administrative Areas

  • Council Edinburgh, City Of
  • Parish Edinburgh (Edinburgh, City Of)
  • Former Region Lothian
  • Former District City Of Edinburgh
  • Former County Midlothian

Architecture Notes


Scottish Record Office:

Repairs to lodging in George Street. Plaster, glazier, slater and paintwork. Estimate, accounts and discharges.



NMRS Print Room

George Street

2 prints - General view of east end looking towards St Andrew Square

W Schomberg Scott Photograph Collection

Acc No 1997/39


Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1807. January-May. 8.1.1807.

Pet. Mrs Robertson.

George St, south side.

2 elevation, 3 floor plans.

"...provided the same are executed at the sight of Mr Alexander Reid, Architect..."

[PO Directory 1807. Reid, Alex, Builder, 18 South Castle Street]

Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1807. January-May. 12.3.1807.

Pet. Samuel and William Pringle - builders.

North George St two stances of ground which complete street.

East side Charlotte Sq two stances which complete that side of it except the centre

house betwixt George St and Thistle St stances 39 & 40.

Elevations marked 2 & 3 are signed by William Sibbald - rejected because of some

argument over tympanum.

Elevation - indications that this is work of Mr Reid jun - George St corner.

Elevation - same corner - unsigned.

[PO Directory 1807 Samuel Pringle, Mason, 5 St Ann's St]

Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1808. June-December. 19.6.1808.

Pet. of Samuel and William Pringles, builders.

Corner of George St and Charlotte Sq. south western.

Two Elevations and plans - unsigned.

Numbering of items suggests this bundle muddled with that of 12.3.1807.

Plans probably by William Sibbald.

Sources: Dean of Guild Bundle 1808 June-December 20.10.1808

Pet. James Spadin, Architect.

George St and Hanover St. South East Corner.

Plan and elevation for alterations to lower floor.

Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1809. July-December 31.8.1809

Pet. Edward Butterworth, writing master.

George St north side westmost stance.

Plan and elevation - unsigned - conversion into shop.

Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1810. January-July. 19.4.1810.

Pet. Edmond? Butterworth, writing master.

Charlotte Sq. East side between George & Rose St.

Plan and elevation. Oversigned Thos. Bonnar.

Sources: Dean of Guild. 26.7.1810.

Pet. John Thompson, builder.

No 31 George St - north - corner with Frederick St.

Minor alterations - bow window.

Elevation of window and plan of street floor.

[PO Directory 1810. John Thompson, Wright, Middle of Leith Walk.]

Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1810. 18.10.1810.

Pet. Captain James McLean.

34 Princes Street.

To open sunk storey as a shop.

Plan & elevation encl.

Sources: Dean of Guild 14.10.1813.

Pet. Mrs Jean Cameron.

No 1George Street, corner with St Andrew Square.

Alterations to attic windows.

Elevations, unsigned.

Sources: Dean of Guild 31.3.1814.

Pet. Hugh Gray, Solicitor at Law.

No 35 North Frederick Street - on corner of George Street.

Minor alterations - storm window.

Plans of two upper floors and elevations, before and after, unsigned.


[Described as "architect" in Edinburgh Street Directory for 1778-9]

Edinburgh House. St Andrew Square, on S corner with George St

"lately built and finished by Wm Kay builder"

(Edinburgh Evening Courant, Jan 25, 1779)

Alexander Reid, mason.

Edinburgh. Built tenement, SE corner of George Street and Frederick Street.

(Edinburgh Evening Courant, Dec 13, 1806)

Edinburgh, George Street, Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank.



Dick Peddie and MacKay, Edinburgh, book of plans.

Drawings in plan chest - drawer two.

David Bryce 1847.

Edinburgh, George Street, London and Liverpool and Globe Assurance.



Dick Peddie and MacKay, Edinburgh, drainage plan.

Attic 2, Bin 23, Bag 2.

J.M. Dick Peddie, 1920.

Edinburgh, George Street, Gray's.

NMRS: I.G. Lindsay Collection, W/535.

Edinburgh, George Street & St Andrew Square, Scottish Amicable.



Dick Peddie adn MacKay, Edinburgh, alts.

Attic 2, Bin 5, Bag 3.

Dick Peddie and Walker Todd, 1927.

Edinburgh, George Street, YMCA Premises.



Dick Peddie and MacKay, Edinburgh, alts.

Attic 2, Bin 22, Bag 1.

Peddie and Washington Browne, 1907.

Edinburgh, George Street, Liverpool London and Globe Ins.



Dick Peddie and MacKay, Edinburgh.

J.M. Dick Peddie, 1919.

Edinburgh, George Street, Commercial Insurance Buildings.



Dick Peddie and MacKay, Edinburgh.

Bin 1, Bag 2.

Peddie and Kinnear, 1876.


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