Field System (Prehistoric), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric)
Site Name Midtown
Classification Field System (Prehistoric), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric)
Canmore ID 13290
Site Number NH63SW 55
NGR NH 6316 3408
NGR Description NH 6316 3408 and NH 6316 3404
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/13290
- Council Highland
- Parish Dores
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Inverness
- Former County Inverness-shire
Field Visit (13 February 1970)
NH63SW 55 6316 3408 and 6316 3404.
At NH 6316 3408 and NH 6316 3404 are two circular stone-walled huts (A and B respectively).
Hut 'A' measures c. 11.5m in diameter between the centres of a denuded wall of indeterminate thickness, whose outer face is visible for a length of c. 12.0m in the NE arc. No entrance can be seen.
'B' is c. 13.5m in diameter between the centres of a wall spread to c. 2.5m all round. No entrance is apparent. It is overlaid by a ruined field wall identical to those associated with huts in a nearby field system (NH63SW 19).
A similar wall, about 40.0m to the SE of hut 'B' forms three sides of a sub-rectangular area measuring c. 170.0m NE-SW by c. 70.0m transversely. In the W corner is a single stone clearance heap and immediately outside it are several more. The relationship of the huts with the walls and clearance is uncertain.
Survey of huts at 1/10,000 (Visible on air photographs 67.198.008).
Visited by OS (NKB) 13 February 1970.
Field Visit (6 October 1992)
There is one hut-circle, and what may be a second, and a field-system on the E of the track from Midtown farmsteading along the shore of Loch Ashie. Although there are traces of other fragmentary banks, the field-system mainly comprises a single sub-rectangular field of two periods: the field is delimited by two roughly-parallel banks about 40m apart on the S, W and N, and on the E by a small burn. The smaller of the two enclosures measures some 150m from NNE to SSW by 75m transversely. The outer of the two field banks runs across the better-preserved of the two hut-circles (USN93 104, OS 'B') from N and S. This hut-circle measures 11m in diameter within faced-rubble walls spread to 1.5m in thickness, with an entrance on the ENE.
Some 40m to the N an arc of bank, about 12m in length, may mark the N and E of a much denuded hut-circle measuring about 8.5m in diameter within a faced-rubble wall, spread to 1.5m in thickness (OS 'A').
(USN93 104)
Visited by RCAHMS (PJD) 6 October 1992.