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Field Visit

Date 6 January 1972

Event ID 661426

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NH62NW 14 Centred at 615 272.

Centred at NH 615 272 on a NE slope is a field system obscured by thick heather. Stone clearance heaps and occasional lynchets and ruinous walls mark cultivation plots, two of which measure 15.0m x 10.0m and 30.0m x 20.0m.

Outside the system to the W at NH 6105 2730 is a denuded platform c. 10.0m in diameter with traces of walling around its W arc, and two clearance heaps dumped on its S and E arcs. This may be a hut stance but its condition is too poor to be certain. Around it is cleared ground and a few stone clearance heaps.

Visited by OS (A A) 6 January 1972.

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