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Field Visit

Date 20 January 1977

Event ID 651501

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NC82SE 16 889 234.

Centred at NC 889 234 is a settlement of three hut circles ('A' - 'C') and an associated minor field system of approximately 9-10 hectares situated above the Allt Leitir nan Caile. 'A' is 11.5m in diameter within a low wall, heather-covered except for a short stretch of bare stones in the SE, possibly exposed slumped walling or field clearance. The wall was about 1.5m wide with the entrance in the SW. 'B' appears as a platform set into the S-facing slope and measures 13.0m E-W by 11.0m within the fragmentary remains of a wall. The entrance is in the E.

'C' is visible as an ill-defined platform measuring about 9.0m E-W by 8.0m within the slumped remains of a wall. The entrance is in the E. The field system is defined by clearance heaps and lynchets. Plots are discernible in the SW section of the system; one immediately to the S of 'A' measures approximately 20 x 20m, another 40m x 20m. Further up the hill on more level ground, lynchets are not easily recognized.

Survey at 1/10,000.

Visited by OS (J B) 20 January 1977

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