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Field Visit

Date 2 November 1972

Event ID 584506

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Situated on the summit of a small steep-sided knoll are the remains of an enclosure. The single earthen bank, up to 2.0m wide, 1.0m high externally and 0.2m internally survives on the W, S and E sides only and encloses an area of 42.0m E-W by approx 32.0m transversely. There is no trace of an external ditch. The interior has several amorphous depressions, none of which, however, have the appearance of hut platforms. There are insufficient remains for it to be classified with any certainity; the site affords a good defensive position but the absence of any stonework would seem to indicate a pastoral rather than a defensive nature.

Surveyed at 1:2500.

Visited by OS (TRG) 2 November 1972

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