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Field Visit

Date 4 May 1972

Event ID 1017955

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This is not a crannog, but a small dun, typical of many of the poorly built island fortifications of the western isles. It occupies a natural rocky islet which has probably been artificially enlarged, and consists of a roughly D-shaped wall conforming to the edge of the islet, measuring overall 14.0m NNW-SSE by 8.5m transversely. The wall, best preserved on the straight landward side in the ENE where the outer face survives to a height of 1.2m, appears to have been about 1.3m thick, and is built of similar pitchstone block and in the same style as the fort wall on Sgurr of Eigg (NM48SE 6). It has mainly collapsed elsewhere and there is no trace of the entrance. The interior in uneven and heavily turfed and there is no definite sign of internal structure.

Visited by OS (ISS) 4 May 1972.

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