On-line Digital Images
SC 587178
Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
Glasgow, 85-87 Lancefield Street, Lancefield Cotton Works
View from SW showing WNW front of 1877(possible) block with original block in foreground
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 607382
Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
Glasgow, 85-87 Lancefield Street, Lancefield Cotton Works
View from NW
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 634989
Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
General view from NNW showing WNW front of Cotton Works with number 69 Lancefield Street and part of 185 Stobcross Street in foreground
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 646120
Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
View from SW showing WNW front and part of SSW front
Item Level
MS 749/4780
Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
John R Hume Industrial/CBA cards
Filed under Glasgow, Lancefield Street. Prints and notes attached (see NMRS MS/749 entry for Collection description).
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1269474
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Glasgow, general view, showing Arbuckle, Smith and Co. Warehouse, Lancefield Street and Bilsland Bakery, Hydepark Street. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing north-west. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1269475
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Glasgow, general view, showing Arbuckle, Smith and Co. Warehouse, Lancefield Street and Stobcross Street. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing north. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1269476
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Arbuckle, Smith and Co. Warehouse, Lancefield Street and Bilsland Bakery, Hydepark Street, Glasgow. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing east. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1269477
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Glasgow, general view, showing Arbuckle, Smith and Co. Warehouse, Lancefield Street and Stobcross Street. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing east. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1269478
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Arbuckle, Smith and Co. Warehouse, Lancefield Street, Glasgow. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing north. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1269479
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Arbuckle, Smith and Co. Warehouse, Lancefield Street, Glasgow. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing north-east. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.
Item Level