Watching Brief
Date 10 June 2013 - 14 June 2013
Event ID 991714
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
AOC Archaeology undertook an archaeological evaluation in respect to a proposed development within the grounds of Stirling Council at Viewforth, St. Ninians Road, Stirling (NGR; NS 7953 9282). The area (3600 m2) was subject to an 8% sample evaluation to comprise 72 linear metres. However the presence of live services and heavy tree canopy reduced the current works to 62 linear metres. The evaluation revealed thirteen pits/post-holes of probable prehistoric date. These features formed a right angled linear alignment and are the possible remains of a substantial post-built structure or enclosure.
Three sherds of late medieval reduced ware pottery were recovered from the interface of the top-soil and natural. These included two body sherds and a skillet handle.
AOC Archaeology Group (R. Engl) OASIS ID: aocarcha1-152783