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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 710235
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT05NW 5 0491 5935.
(NT 049 593) A circular enclosure lies about 250 yds NW of Castle Greg fort, and measures 40' internal diameter, surrounded by an earth mound now spread to 12' wide and 2' high. The S arc has an ill defined entrance c.13' wide. Encircling this enclosure, at intervals varying from 66 to 100 yds., is a second low-lying earth ridge with an average spread of 10', broken to some extent on the NE.
RCAHMS 1929, visited 1925
When visited in May 1965, this site seemed hexagonal in shape, and may be a Roman shrine.
Oral information from R W Feachem, 31 May 1965.
The enclosure lies some 91.0m NW of the fort and is no more than the remains of a sheepfold or animal pound.
Visited by OS (BS) 14 April 1975
NT 0491 5935. The remains of this collapsed turf-banked sheepfold are generally as described. The outer enclosure is probably a stock pen.
Visited by OS (MJF) 27 April 1979