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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 708488

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NT01SE 2 0557 1192.

(NT 0557 1192) Roman Signal Station (R)

OS 6" map, (1962)

A probable Roman signal station on the shoulder of White Type hill was observed from the air in 1939 by O G S Crawford and located on the ground a year later. A circular ditch, broken on the E by an entrance 6 ft wide, encloses a level area measuring 10 yds in diameter across the ditch.

J K St Joseph 1952

This signal station is a small near-circular earth-work, comprising a central platform 8.7m N-S by 8.5m transversely and 0.4m high. This is bounded by a shallow ditch about 1.7m wide, with a slight outer bank some 1.7m broad and 0.2m high which are best preserved on the S. The overall dimensions re 11.9m by 11.5m. A causeway, 2.1m broad, crosses the ditch on the E side, facing the Roman road (RR 7f), about 30m distant. It is flanked by high ground on the W, but has an extensive view to NW and SE (along the line of the road).

Visited by OS (WDJ) 14 September 1959

This feature is noted by the RCAHM as a watch-tower, bearing a close resemblance in dimensions and plan to that at Beattock Summit (NS91NE 11), associated with the Antonine fortlet of Redshaw Burn (NT01SW 2). Its main function would have been to observe movement along the road leading to that fortlet from the SE.


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