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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 706132

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NS87NW 5 8257 7935.

(NS 8257 7935) ROMAN CAMP (R) (site of)

OS 6" map (1967)

No trace of the Roman temporary camp at Milnquarter can now be seen. It was first noticed on air photographs (CPE/Scot/UK 256: 5331-2 and CUCAP) and with these aids the exact position of the camp was located by probing. It is rectangular, 540' NW-SE by 420', the internal area being about 5.2 acres. The NW, NE and SE gates, with tutuli, were found by probing, but the SW gate lies under a railway embankment.

R W Feachem 1958; RCAHMS 1963, visited 1955.

No further information.

Surveyed at 1:2500.

Visited by OS (WDJ) 30 April 1959 and (MJF) 20 April 1980.

NS 8261 7934. Archaeological monitoring was undertaken on 11 July 1995 of the cutting of the foundations of a dismantled electricity tower which had stood within this camp. Four small trenches c. 0.8m by 0.8m in area were excavated by hand around each leg foundation, and the tower foundations cut. Evidence of a buried ploughsoil was identified in the NW trench at a depth of 0.3m, but elsewhere all excavated material appeared to comprise disturbed backfill associated with the erection and/or maintenance of the tower. No remains associated with the Roman temporary camp were identified. Adherence to a Methods Statement for the removal of the tower, agreed in advance between Historic Scotland and Scottish Power, ensured that no damage occurred to the site.

Full details are lodged with the NMRS.

Sponsor: Scottish Power plc.

A Dunwell and B Finlayson 1995; NMRS MS/726/73.

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