Archaeology Notes
Event ID 703899
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NH94NE 3 95476 45025.
(NH 9548 4503) Church (NAT)
OS 6"map, Nairnshire, 2nd ed., (1906)
Ardclach Parish Church is said to have been built in 1626; the records showing rebuilding in 1762 and 1839, and renovation in 1892.
It is said to have been dedicated to St Luag, who died in 592, but this is unlikely as Ardclach is a post-Reformation parish, the area having been served previously by two chapels - at Ferness (NH94SE 2) and Lethen ( ). It seems possible that the local association with St Luag belongs to the chapel at Ferness.
G Bain 1893; H Scott et al 1915-61; W J Watson 1926; New Statistical Account (NSA) 1845.
There is little or no evidence of a 17th century building in the present structure. The church is no longer in use, the last service being held on 24th January 1956 (Information from Rev D W D Johnston, Auldearn).
No information regarding the alleged dedication. The burial ground is still in use. The present parish church, formerly the Free Church, is at NH 9485 4599.
Visited by OS (R L) 19 January 1971.
NH 9548 4508 A watching brief was undertaken prior to the construction of a car park adjacent to the church and churchyard of Ardclach. No archaeological features were revealed during the work. The only finds were some white-glazed pottery, and a charcoal spread.
A report has been lodged with Highland SMR and the NMRS.
Sponsor: Highland Council Protective Services (Nairn).
S Farrell 1999