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Archaeology Notes

Date  - 1972

Event ID 697248

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NR97NW 1 9158 7955.

(NR 9158 7955) Caisteal Mhic Eoghainn (NR) (Site of)

OS 6" map, Argyllshire, 2nd ed., (1900)

McEwan's Castle: Excavations carried out here in 1968-9 by the Cowal Archaeol Soc showed the earliest structure to have been a palisaded enclosure, which was succeeded by a promontory fort, enclosed by a timber-laced rampart, which was later used to form part of the defences of a medieval homestead.

The overall measurement of the structure is 70' x 90', with an annexe below and to the W. It is situated on top of a rocky headland from which blocked passages lead to the shore on the N and S.

Two series of post-holes were found under the medieval buildings; one set, similar to the palisade holes, were mostly cut in rock and natural soil. The others, much more solidly constructed, indicated a 30' diameter hut, probably contemporary with the rampart, in which traces of vitrification were found. The remains of earlier walls appear to have been adapted by the medieval occupants for their defences, edging them with massive rectangular stones. A carbon-14 test on charcoal from a post-hole found outside the rampart in 1968 gave a date in the first half of the 15th century. There were two buildings within the rampart, one, turf-walled, measured 35' x 21', while the other, stone-built, measured 24' x 21'. Also, in 1969, a round house built against the rampart at the gateway, with a firmly cobbled floor, was uncovered - possibly a store house. A roughly boat-shaped building outside the main rampart was also uncovered. No artifacts were found to date these structures. Unstratified finds included an 12th century crucifix (J G Scott 1993), a 15th century groat, and 13th and 18th century pottery sherds. All finds were to be sent to Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum.

Mrs Christian 1963; Cowal Archaeological Soc 1968; I Christian 1969.

An oval dun measuring 21.0m NE-SW by 17.6m within a wall up to 3.5m wide and 0.8m high. There is no indication of an entrance and no trace of the annexe noted by Mrs Christian. The remainder of the site is generally as described.

Revised at 1:10560.

Visited by OS (I A) 17 November 1972.

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