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Field Visit

Date 10 January 1975

Event ID 681287

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NO05SE 2 centred 0835 5453

Location formerly entered as NO 083 545.

See also NO05SE 66.

Centred at NO 0835 5453 is a settlement of seven hut circles (A - G) within a small contemporary field system marked by stone clearance heaps and occasional lynchets. All hut diameters are given between wall centres.

'A' and 'B' are tangential, each 11.5m in diameter, with the walls spread to 2.5m. 'A' has traces of an entrance gap in the SSE, but there is no sign of one in 'B'.

'C' is a platform edged by traces of walling and measures c. 9.5m in diameter; it has traces of an entrance in the SE.

'D' is oval, measuring 12.0m NW-SE by 9.5m NE-SW with the peat-obscured wall showing suggestions of an entrance in the SE.

'E', 'F', and 'G' are adjacent huts in a row.

'E' is 9.5m in diameter. The wall is mutilated and has an entrance in the SSW.

'F' is 12.5m in diameter. The wall is stronger than the other two huts and is spread to 4.0m. The entrance is in the S.

'G', 12.0m in diameter, is marked by an ill-defined wall with the entrance in the SSW.

About 30.0m WNW and 40.0m NNW of 'D' are the possible remains of two further hut circles marked respectively by an area of walling suggesting the NE half of a hut about 11.0m in diameter, and by a slight platform c. 7.0m in diameter.

Surveyed at 1:10,000.

Visited by OS (JB) 10 January 1975

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