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Field Visit
Date 5 February 1975
Event ID 680456
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NO04NE 10 centred 0835 4982
Centred at NO 0835 4982 is a settlement and field system consisting of a line of six hut circles (B - G) connected by a common baulk on the S, and an isolated hut (A) about 37.0m to the E.
'A' measures 8.3m between the centres of an unusually strong wall spread to 3.0m, with the entrance in the S. Adjoining the SE arc is an ill-preserved stone-walled enclosure c. 5.0m in diameter.
'B' is 10.5m in diameter with an entrnace in the S. A field wall joins the N arc. Eccentrically placed in the interior is a circle of slabs on edge 7.0m in diameter. Immediately to the SW are three smaller circles averaging 6.0m in diameter between wall centres.
'C' is about 13.0m between wall centres, the wall being poorly preserved, but the entrance, in the S, is well-defined.
'D - F' are single-walled huts with an average diameter of 13.0m whilst 'G' is much smaller (7.0m) and encroaches into the SE arc of 'F' as if it was a later insertion between 'E' and 'F'.
The field system is particularly well-preserved and is marked by the various remains of lynchets, walling and stone clearance heaps.
The alignment of the huts resembles a street and this effect is enhanced by a sinuous wall which runs parallel to the row 15.0m to the S. Somewhat similar arrangements occur in NO 25 NW 10 and 12 .
Surveyed at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (BS) 5 February 1975