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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 668212
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NJ61NW 1 61711 19809.
(NJ 6171 1980) Stone Circle (NR)
OS 6" map, (1959)
The remains of a recumbent stone circle, 70'6" east-west by 62' SW-NE, which was probably complete in 1842 since Low (1845) mentions twelve stones, which Coles (1901) reckons was the original number.
Of the twelve stones extent in 1842 two were fallen, four were broken and five were erect. Low also notes a quantity of loose stones near middle of the circle 'and near the centre a slab of 4' or 5' square, covering a small pit open to south side'. This is presumably the displaced central cist-cover mentioned by Coles, at the time of whose visit seven stones were in position, one had fallen and four were missing.
A feature of the circle is the height of pillars flanking the recumbant stone, 9' and 9'2", in comparison with the rounded bulk of that stone which weighs about 20 tons.
The circle is a popular attraction in the neighbourhood.
F R Coles 1901; New Statistical Account (NSA) 1845.
The remains of a recumbent stone circle evidently in the same state of preservation as when seen by both Coles (1901) and Low (1845), except that there is now no trace of the four broken stones noted by Low. Coles' section is incorrect; the stones stand around the perimeter of an overgrown stony platform 0.7m high, in the centre of which the "cist" slab still survives. The pit which the slab covers is choked with stones.
Revised at 1/2500.
Visited by OS (ISS) 8 August 1973.
Listed as a recumbent stone circle by Burl (1973).
H A W Burl 1973.
No change to previous field report.
Revised at 1/2500.
Visited by OS (NKB) 20 August 1976.
(Name cited as Cothiemuir Hill).
NMRS, MS/712/56.
Scheduled as Cothiemuir Hill, stone circle.
Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 2 August 2001.
NJ 6171 1980 In a third season of excavations following on from the work on the Tomnaverie stone circle in the Howe of Cromar, Deeside (DES 2000, 9), three small trenches were excavated at the Cothiemuir Wood stone circle, Donside. The trenches were designed to assess the structural sequence of the monument and compare this with the results from the Tomnaverie excavations.
The sequence is similar to that observed at Tomnaverie. A low cairn, or platform of rubble, was constructed on a flat hilltop, which may have been scarped level. The platform was open at the centre and revetted on the exterior with an exterior buttress of rubble, and on the interior by a bank of massive boulders. There may have been a cist in the middle of the site where the filling of an unrecorded excavation contains a number of burnt stones. The recumbent stone circle was a later addition to the monument and the sockets of two of the monoliths could be seen to cut through the structure of the cairn. The only artefacts recovered are a few worked flints and worked and unworked quartz.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
R Bradley 2001
NJ 617 198 A desk-based assessment and field survey were carried out in May 2005 in advance of the creation of a natural burial site. A recumbent stone circle is located on the top of the hill (NJ61NW 1), while remains of rig and furrow are visible on the N and E flanks.
Report to be lodged with Aberdeenshire SMR and NMRS.
Sponsor: Native Woodlands Ltd