Date 1923 - 1928
Event ID 546335
Category Recording
Type Excavation
Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Roman Fort (Roman), Unidentified Pottery (Neolithic)
Canmore ID 47870 |

SC 349280
Excavation photograph. Stone cradling of W rampart looking W. Film negative, 5.5" x 3.5". Duplicate print (C30111) copied from A O Curle photograph album (MS/28/461) is titled 'Foundations at S end of Castle Towrie'.

SC 349281
Excavation photograph. Hypocaust pillars beneath room 15 of Praetorium. Duplicate print (C 30084) from A O Curle album (MS/28/461) is titled 'Western Hypocaust from SE'.
c. 1928

SC 349282
Excavation photograph. Rooms 14 and 15 of the Praetorium. Film negative, 5.25" x 3.25". Duplicate (C30097) from A O Curle photograph album (MS/28/461) is titled 'Hypocaust at west and surface heating flues in floor beyond'.

SC 349283
Excavation photograph. Outer face of the apse containing the cold bath, with remains of paving of the Apodyterium in background. Publication photograph PSAS LXIII, figure 60, p478 Film negative 5.25" x 3.25". Duplicate print (C 30072) from A O Curle album (MS/28/461) is titled 'Outisde of bath and S apse from E'.

SC 349285
Excavation photograph of Mumrills Roman Fort, looking east into bath. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.

SC 349287
Excavation photograph. Foundations at S end of Castle Tower lying over N and S ditch and parallel to the E and W ditch. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1859.

SC 349288
Excavation photograph. Stone in wall at roadside. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.

SC 349289
Excavation photograph. Floor of a room showing heating flues. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.

SC 349290
Excavation photograph of western hypocaust of Mumrills Roman Fort from SE. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1852.

SC 349291
Excavation photograph from Mumrills Roman Fort of outside of bath and S apse from E. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1857.

SC 349292
Excavation photograph. Gateway of Antonine fort. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.

SC 349293
Excavation photograph. East granary, west wall. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.

SC 349294
Excavation photograph. Building in praetentura looking E over tops of hypocaust pillars towards latrine? trench. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.

SC 349296
Excavation photograph from Mumrills Roman Fort showing the view to the W over the S half of large bath house. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1905.

SC 349297
Excavation photograph from Mumrills Roman Fort. Looking E to baths in praetentura. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1858.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
c. 1923
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 349298
Excavation photograph. South wall of baths in praetentura showing (a) channelled hypocaust, (b) partition between caldarium and tepidarium, (c) rebates for flues in face of wall. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1867.

SC 349299
Excavation photograph. Outer Antonine ditch. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1921.

SC 349300
Excavation photograph. Gateway of Antonine fort showing course of drains. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.

SC 732703
Photograph of second Antonine ditch at Mumrills Roman Fort showing Sir George MacDonald in earlier deeper ditch coalescing with it. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 029443
Digital copy of excavation photograph. Praefurium of channelled hypocaust in praetentura, looking W. 'Cheeks' of earlier praefurium in foreground. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1079591
Excavation photograph from Mumrills Roman Fort of Antonine defence ditches 1,2 and 3. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1138294
'Castle Towrie' From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort
c. 1923

SC 1138397
'Gutter Stone which has been redressed' From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138398
'Big' ditch alongside the Falkirk Road showing late cobbeling From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138400
Secondary foundations over 'Big' ditch filled in From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138401
'Big' ditch running South - North showing partial filling From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138409
View of inner Antonine ditch with ledge on counter scarp at Mumrills Roman Fort during excavation 1923-1928.

SC 1138412
Junction of Antonine & E. to W. ditches with Dr Macdonald at point of intersection From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138414
Drain through rampart with carers in position From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138415
Building stones used to form sides of drain through the rampart From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138416
Site of furnace with displaced flue covers From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138417
Section of Roman gravel pit showing strata of filling From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138418
Section through Antonine rampart and ditches From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138419
Cradling of Antonine rampart from East From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138421
Site of Entrance to Antonine Fort From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138422
Boulder filled pit (partially emptied), one of two on either side of entrance From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138423
Roadway at entrance to Antonine Fort From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138427
Roadway crossing foundation of Agricolan? rampart showing drain From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138428
Wall on side of the passage leading to the medieval kiln in N.E. corner of field From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138429
Westmost portion of base of angle turret From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138430
West kerb of Antonine rampart at termination at N. end of field and Eastmost portion of South wall of angle turret From Photograph Album detailing excavations at Mumrills Fort

SC 1138431
Excavation photograph from Mumrills Roman Fort of the crossing of the Antonine & E. to W. ditches.

SC 1138432
Campbell indicating crossing of the 'Big ditch' by the E. to W. ditch From photograph album detailing the excavation of Mumrills Fort

SC 1226553
View of Mumrills Roman Fort, thought to be a NW view of the praetorium, during the excavations 1923-1928.

SC 1226587
Excavation photograph. Unidentified part of site. Glass negative 6.5"x4.5". Duplicate print (C30120) copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461 is captioned 'Ditches at S side of E gateway'..

SC 1226656
Excavation photograph. SE corner of site from the E. Duplicate print (C30103) copied from A O Curle photograph album (MS/28/461).

SC 1226690
Excavation photograph. The deep bath. Publication photograph PSAS LXIII, figure 61, p478

DP 152857
Plan of excavations at Mumrills.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 199695
Location plan of site of Mumrills Roman fort.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
c. 1929
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 199696
Sections of ditches at Mumrills Roman Fort.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
c. 1929
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 199697
Plan of the Headquarters building, Mumrills Roman Fort.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
c. 1929
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 199698
Plan of the Mumrills Roman Fort headquarters building reconstructed.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
c. 1929
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 199699
Plan of Commandants house and bath-house, Mumrills Roman Fort.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
c. 1929
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 200748
Plan of the earliest phase of the Commandants house, Mumrills.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 200749
Plan of the later phases of the Commandants house, Mumrills
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 200750
Plans of the men's bath-house and as reconstructed, Mumrills.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 200751
Plan of the large bath-house, Mumrills.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 200752
Plan of the large bath-house reconstructed, Mumrills.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

DP 200753
Plan of the fort at Mumrills showing excavated areas.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954734
Excavation photograph. Gateway of Antonine fort showing course of drains. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954735
Excavation photograph. Furnace flue looking west. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1926.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954736
Excavation photograph. Gateway of Antonine fort showing upright stone in drain. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1928.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954737
Excavation photograph. Gutter stone dressed down, Found in 1924 in disturbed area adjacent to the new villas in Castle Towrie field. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954738
Excavation photograph. Foundations at S end, parallel to E-W ditches, with N-S ditch passing beneath. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1917.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954739
Excavation photograph. Inner Antonine ditch showing shelf on counterscarp. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1856.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954740
Excavation photograph. Outer Antonine ditch. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1921.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954741
Excavation photograph. Second Antonine ditch showing Sir George MacDonald in earlier deeper ditch coalescing with it. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1897.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954742
Excavation photograph. Junction of outer ditch with 'outer' Antonine ditch. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1911.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954743
Excavation photograph. Sacellum foundations looking southward. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954744
Excavation photograph. Baths in praetentura, north side of caldarium. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1914.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954745
Excavation photograph. South wall of baths in praetentura showing (a) channelled hypocaust, (b) partition between caldarium and tepidarium, (c) rebates for flues in face of wall. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1867.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954746
Excavation photograph. Baths in praetentura, looking west. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1892.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954747
Excavation photograph. Baths in praetentura, NW corner of caldarium. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1869.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954748
Excavation photograph. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954749
Excavation photograph. Junction of drain at NE angle of Commandant's house. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954750
Excavation photograph. Pits in retentura towards middle of east section. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1855.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954751
Excavation photograph. Drain through rampart at SE corner. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954752
Excavation photograph. Rampart with drain cutting through. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1891.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954753
Excavation photograph. Latrine? trench on N side of building in NE half of pretentura. Tops of hypocaust pillars in background. Looking west. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954754
Excavation photograph. Blocked latrine trench in praetentura. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954755
Excavation photograph. Building in NE half of praetentura looking W. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954756
Excavation photograph. Baths in praetentura looking E. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1858.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
c. 1923
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954757
Excavation photograph. Building in praetentura looking E over tops of hypocaust pillars towards latrine? trench. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954758
Excavation photograph. View to W over S half of large bath house. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1905.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954759
Excavation photograph. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954760
Excavation photograph. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1924.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954761
Excavation photograph. Covers on drain through rampart - SW angle. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1902.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954762
Excavation photograph. Building stones used on walls to drain through Antonine rampart - SW corner. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954763
Excavation photograph. West furnace chamber. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954764
Excavation photograph. Furnace for channelled hypocaust. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1884.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954765
Excavation photograph. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1860.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954766
Excavation photograph. Furnace for channelled hypocaust. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1871.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954767
Excavation photograph. Stepped hearth in Commandant's house. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954768
Excavation photograph. Stepped hearth in house. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954769
Excavation photograph. Front wall of section containing chambers in later principia from E. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

SC 1954770
Excavation photograph. East granary, west wall. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
© Courtesy of HES (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Collection)

First 100 images shown.

Notebooks on excavations. (1) Field notebook. Rough site plans and notes, with key to location of small finds, 7/8 July to 1 August 1935. Notes and plans of structures including hut-circle and earth-house. MUMRILLS - two notebooks and two photograph albums relating to the excavations at Mumrills by A O Curle, 1923-27. Notebook I - contains sketches of artefacts, notes, sketch plans, sections, loose-leaves of notes and copy of plan from Mr Buchanan's notebook. Also postcards and letters to A O Curle, from James Smith, 1923 and 1924. Photograph albums - copied 1995, print numbers C30001-30145. Notebook II - contains sketches of artefacts, sketch plans and loose leaf plan, with annotated page-mark slips as index.
Excavation photograph. Gateway of Antonine fort showing course of drains. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461.
Excavation photograph. Furnace flue looking west. Copied from A O Curle photograph album MS/28/461. Duplicate of ST/1926.