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Date 1988
Event ID 1144964
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Castle Knowe NT 2299 6404 NT26SW 21
This palisaded settlement is situated on the shoulder of the hill overlooking Castle Law fort (NT26SW 2) from the NE. On the Sand W, where the ground falls steeply, no traces of any defence survive, but on the N two palisade trenches are visible, set about 6m apart. The interior measures 70m by at least 30m, and at the top of the steep slope on the S the positions of at least three timber houses are marked by small platforms. Part of the outer palisade trench is obscured by the upcast from slit-trenches dug during military exercises. On the NE, however, the line of the palisade is continued by a low bank, with an external ditch and a counterscarp bank at its E end; while this latter feature may be an unfinished defensive work, it may also be explained as an attempt to enhance the defences of the entrance, which was probably at this end of the settlement. Evidence of later activity on the site is provided by rig-and-furrow cultivation, which has obliterated part of the perimeter on the E; there is also a short length of ditch and bank some 30m to the NE.
(Feachem 1971, 30)