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Field Visit

Date 5 September 2017

Event ID 1031918

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This group of at least 15 platforms is located along the NW and N coast of Eilean Fhianain. The majority appear to be related to the use of the island as a burial place, and in particular to the need for soil from borrow pits, and a need to create discrete areas for burials in a relatively recent period. That said, the presence of slag, charcoal and a fragment of iron indicate the possibility that some were also used for the purposes of small industry.

1. NM 75213 68349: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 13.7 from E to W by 6m transversely, with a rear scarp up to 2.5m high and a frontal apron up to 0.7m high. A small fragment of iron slag was noted in a disturbed area at the W end.

2. NM 75204 68342: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 8.3m from NE to SW by 7.1m transversely, with a rear scarp up to 0.6m high and a frontal apron up to 0.3m high.

3. NM 75210 68340: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 4.8m from E to W by 5.3m transversely, with a rear scarp up to 0.5m high. It is occupied by what appears to be a grave orientated from N to S, in addition to a scatter of rubble.

4. NM 75221 68340: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 7.4m square, with a rear scarp up to 2m high. It is occupied by at least three small stone grave-markers. Charcoal occurs on the N facing scarp below.

5. NM 75231 68337: This grass and reed grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 7m from E to W by 6m transversely, with a rear scarp up to 1.2m high. It is occupied by at least four small stone grave-markers and a scatter of stone derived from a small cairn. Charcoal occurs on the N facing scarp below.

6. NM 75234 68342: This grass-grown hollow, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 4.3m from E to W by 5m transversely, with a rear scarp 1m high. Two tall European Larch stand on its N and another on its SW edge.

7. NM 75227 68348: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 8m from E to W by 6.8m transversely, with a rear scarp 0.7m high. Six tall European Larch stand on its N scarp, while a fragment of iron was noted on the scarp below.

8. NM 75240 68344: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 7.4m from E to W by 6m transversely, with a rear scarp 0.4m high and a frontal apron up to 0.5m high. It is occupied by a small scatter of stones marking a possible grave and a small stone grave-marker. In addition, there are traces of what may be a hut measuring 2.1m from N to S by 1.3m transversely, within spread turf walls 0.8m thick and up to 0.15m high.

11. NM 75245 68350: This grass and reed-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 6.5m from E to W by 5.2m transversely, with a rear scarp 0.6m high.

12. NM 75230 68373: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the N side of the island, measures 8m from E to W by 4m transversely, with a rear scarp 1.5m high.

37. NM 75169 68286: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the WNW side of the island, measures 5.5m from NE to SW by 4.8m transversely, with a rear scarp 1m high.

38. NM 75167 68296: This grass, reed, fern and alder-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the WNW side of the island, measures 7.5m from NNE to SSW by 4.6m transversely, with a rear scarp 1m high.

39. NM 75176 68304: This grass, fern and larch-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the NW side of the island, measures 17.5m from NE to SW by 8.7m transversely, with a rear scarp 0.8m high. It is occupied by a small cairn at its leading edge.

40. NM 75173 68312: This waterlogged, grass, reed, fern and alder-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the NW side of the island, measures 11m from NE to SW by 4m transversely, with a rear scarp 0.6m high.

41. NM 75189 68329: This waterlogged, grass and reed-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the NW side of the island, measures 8m from NNE to SSW by 7m transversely, with a rear scarp 1m high.

Visited by HES, Archaeological Survey (ATW, GFG) 5 September 2017

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