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Ness of Brodgar World Heritage Site Plaque Installation
Date 24 April 2000 - 28 April 2000
Event ID 1030226
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
Archaeological monitoring was required at Maes Howe between the 26th and the 28th of April while a programme of rewiring was undertaken. The work involved shallow excavations both within the main chamber of the monument and on the overlying mound. No finds were recovered.
At the same time Holes measuring 800 x 700mm and 180-230mm deep were dug for plaques at three sites in the parish of Stenness, Mainland Orkney. One hole was located near the Ring of Brogar (HY 2946 1346; HY21SE 1), one at the Stones of Stenness (HY 3071 1239; HY21SW 2) and one at Maes Howe (HY 3180 1272). Nothing of archaeological significance was discovered in any of the holes.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
D Stewart and P Sharman 2000
Kirkdale Archaeology