Aerial view of Ousdale Broch and Borg township, Ousdale, near Helmsdale, Sutherland, looking NW.
SC 1944827
Description Aerial view of Ousdale Broch and Borg township, Ousdale, near Helmsdale, Sutherland, looking NW.
Date 28/1/1998
Collection Papers of James Sloan Bone, landscape historian, Inverness, Highland, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 1944827
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content The centrepiece of this image is the Ousdale Broch at Allt a' Bhurg, a Scheduled Monument dating from 2nd-3rd century BC, with intra-mural gallery and scarcement ledge. A cist with cremation was found within the structure. Hut circles around the broch are evidence of secondary settlement. Post-medieval farming is represented by the remains of two crofting townships -- Borg and Ousdale (also recorded as Allt a' Bhurg). Title and Scope & Content contributed by North of Scotland Archaeological Society (2021).
Accession Number 2019/15
External Reference S0679
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Copyright: NOSAS (James S Bone Collection). Courtesy of HES.
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