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Linen Mill (Post Medieval), Reservoir (Post Medieval)
Site Name Hirst
Classification Linen Mill (Post Medieval), Reservoir (Post Medieval)
Canmore ID 82498
Site Number NS86SE 33
NGR NS 8742 6364
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council North Lanarkshire
- Parish Shotts (Monklands)
- Former Region Strathclyde
- Former District Monklands
- Former County Lanarkshire
Field Visit (8 September 1992)
NS86SE 33 8742 6364 and 8745 6365
This record was formerly also described under NS86SE 46 (now cancelled).
This lint mill (CSW 4123) is levelled into the base of a steep slope on the W side of an unnamed burn. It measures 8.6m from ENE to WSW by 4m transversely within faced-rubble footings 0.7m in thickness and up to 1.2m in height. The entrance is on the NNW and there is a wheel-pit for an over-shot wheel on the ENE end. The building is shown as unroofed on the 1st ('Old Lint Mill (ruin)') and 2nd editions of the OS 6-inch map (Lanarkshire 1859, 1899, Sheet ix) and the revised edition of the same map (Lanarkshire 1921, sheet ix, resurveyed in 1910).
There is now no trace of a reservoir (CSW 4324) to the SSE of the lint mill which is marked on the 1921 revision of the OS 6-inch map.
(CSW 4123, 4324)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 8 September 1992
Field Visit (1995)
Site recorded during a desk-based assessment and field inspection undertaken prior to the proposed extension of the quarry.
NS 8742 6365 The remains of a lint mill revetted into a hillslope with a wheel pit at its eastern end.
NS 8745 6365 Low turf-covered rectilinear foundation of drystone structure
A report will be deposited in the NMRS.
Sponsor: Pioneer Aggregates Limited.
D Alexander 1995.
Excavation (1996)
Hirst Loanfoot (874 637) appears on early OS map editions, and had been detected by field survey as slight remains. Excavation indicated that the site may have been a terrace of houses. It appears to have been used as a dump once abandoned and then levelled, with much of the stone being removed.
The lint mill (8742 6364) was built into and against a natural rock scarp in order to ensure that the necessary water drop requirements were met. This construction method indicates that the mill was purpose-built and did not reuse an existing building. A substantial midden deposit was found within the mill consisting mainly of glass and stoneware bottles and jars, china objects and leather. No evidence was identified as to the former position of internal drives or other mill machinery.
A detailed report has been lodged with the NMRS.
Sponsor: Pioneer Aggregates (UK) Ltd.
K Cameron, 1996d.
Note (20 August 2000)
One unroofed building annotated 'Old Lint Mill (Ruin)' and one unroofed structure are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Lanarkshire 1864, sheet ix), but they are not shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1992).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 20 August 2000.