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Field System (Prehistoric) - (Medieval)
Site Name Benowr
Classification Field System (Prehistoric) - (Medieval)
Canmore ID 68875
Site Number NX66SW 4.03
NGR NX 6035 6410
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Dumfries And Galloway
- Parish Girthon
- Former Region Dumfries And Galloway
- Former District Stewartry
- Former County Kirkcudbrightshire
Field Visit (7 February 1990)
NX66SW 4.3 6035 6410.
This field-system is defined by a series of lynchets largely running along the contours and at approximately right angles to an intermittent bank that runs across the contours. The lynchets measure up to 0.5m in height, in some instances apparently occurring at natural breaks of slope, and contain a good deal of stone. At the centre of the distribution (on the W side) the lynchets and adjacent banks disappear into peat. On occasion the lynchets to the S of the northern-most hut-circle swing around at their W ends to meet the next lynchet up the slope. The bank, which runs across the contours, measures 2m in thickness and up to 1m in height to the N, those stretches of bank continuing its line to the S being rather slighter, measuring approximately 1.5m in thickness and up to 0.5m in height. The small cairns (NX66SW 4.4) predominantly lie outwith the area of lynchets, to the W of the cross-contour bank, although in at least two instances a cairn sits on the edge of a lynchet.
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 7 February 1990.