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Farmstead (Medieval) - (Post Medieval)
Site Name Laughenghie
Classification Farmstead (Medieval) - (Post Medieval)
Canmore ID 68857
Site Number NX66NW 11.01
NGR NX 6144 6623
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Dumfries And Galloway
- Parish Girthon
- Former Region Dumfries And Galloway
- Former District Stewartry
- Former County Kirkcudbrightshire
Field Visit (4 May 1990)
NX66NW 11.1 6144 6623.
This farmstead comprises three buildings and an enclosure with traces of buildings from earlier phases. Two of the buildings have been reused as sheepfolds since abandonment. They are all arranged across the contour, in parallel. The core of the settlement is formed by two parallel buildings, less than 5m apart, both of which are terraced into the slope at the W end to as much as 0.9m in depth. The building on the S of the yard, thus formed is a two-compartment structure which had a central drain in its lower or E compartment, but the W compartment was drained through the S wall. Roughly central entrances lead from the two compartments into the yard. The entrance to the W compartment has a cleared lobby in front of it, made by removing the wall of an earlier structure that was built at right angles to the buildings of the farmstead. There are foundations to the E of the northerly of the two core buildings which may belong to another earlier structure or to a farmyard pen. The N building itself has been substantially demolished to make a drystone sheepfold, so that only the foundations survive on the S, E and N, generally outside the line of the sheepfold except on the S. The walls of the buildings are made of earth-bonded granite boulders up to 0.9m in thickness. The detached building to the N has also been reduced by the construction of a sheepfold and may likewise be traced by the survival of foundations outside the line of the fold. A small fold is attached within the W side of the enclosure.
Visited by RCAHMS (PJD) 4 May 1990.
Note (17 March 2000)
A farmstead, comprising three unroofed buildings and one enclosure is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Kirkcudbrightshire 1852, sheet 37). One unroofed building and one enclosure are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1979).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 17 March 2000.