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Cairn(S) (Period Unassigned)

Site Name Achargary

Classification Cairn(S) (Period Unassigned)

Canmore ID 6308

Site Number NC75SW 2

NGR NC 7198 5490

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Achargary, NC75SW 2, Ordnance Survey index card, page number 2, Verso
Achargary, NC75SW 2, Ordnance Survey index card, page number 2, VersoAchargary, NC75SW 2, Ordnance Survey index card, page number 1, Recto

Administrative Areas

  • Council Highland
  • Parish Farr
  • Former Region Highland
  • Former District Sutherland
  • Former County Sutherland

Archaeology Notes

NC75SW 2 7198 5490.

('A': NC 7198 5490 and 'B': NC 7203 5486) Cairns (NR)

OS 6"map, (1964)

Two heavily robbed cairns, of which only stony rims remain. 'A' is 11m in diameter and 'B' 15m.

RCAHMS 1911, visited 1909; Visited by OS (J L D) 3 May 1960.

Cairns 'A' and 'B' are on the old river terrace at the west side of the River Naver.

'A' is completely turf-covered. It is visible as a platform measuring 12.5m NE-SW by 11.5m with a peripheral, ragged ridge of rubble 0.2m high and 1.5m spread.

'B' is a stony mound adopting a level stance and measuring approximately 15.5m diameter; the body content is low and much disturbed. Intruding in the west sector is a circular depression.

Revised at 1:10,000.

Visited by OS (J M) 25 June 1977.

NC 7198 5489 Circular enclosure/?cairn A (NC75SW 2). The middle of the three 'cairns' already recorded, this feature comprises a circular earth bank, 1m wide and variable in height from 0.1-0.3m, enclosing an area with an internal diameter of 9m. There may be an entrance in the SE.

Full report deposited in Highland SMR

Sponsor: NOSAS

M Marshall 2002

NC 7202 5486 Circular enclosure/?cairn B (NC75SW 2). This circular enclosure, 12m in diameter, on top of a knoll has been much degraded by stone robbing. It appears to have some form of fortification surrounding it. The natural ground drops away steeply to the N and NE, and a man-made ditch on the W and S enhance it on these sides. The ditch is 1.5m deep and forms an arc to the SW of the knoll, finishing abruptly at its S end. The outer earth bank is roughly 35m long, 0.7m high and may have been formed of the upcast material from the ditch. Thus, the structure is well protected, leaving only a stretch 20m wide to the SE opening onto flat pasture land. A possible interpretation of this feature is that of an unfinished broch or 'moated homestead' (NC75NW 14 situated 500m to the NW).

Full report deposited in Highland SMR

Sponsor: NOSAS

M Marshall 2002


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