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Fall Kneesend

Cairn (Period Unknown), Cairnfield (Prehistoric), Enclosed Cremation Cemetery (Bronze Age), Field System (Prehistoric), Food Vessel (Pottery)(Bronze Age), Ring (Jet)(Period Unknown)

Site Name Fall Kneesend

Classification Cairn (Period Unknown), Cairnfield (Prehistoric), Enclosed Cremation Cemetery (Bronze Age), Field System (Prehistoric), Food Vessel (Pottery)(Bronze Age), Ring (Jet)(Period Unknown)

Alternative Name(s) Beattock Summit

Canmore ID 47289

Site Number NS91NE 10

NGR NS 97751 16461

Datum OSGB36 - NGR

C14 Radiocarbon Dating


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council South Lanarkshire
  • Parish Crawford
  • Former Region Strathclyde
  • Former District Clydesdale
  • Former County Lanarkshire


Field Visit (11 August 1959)

NS91NE 10 978 163.

(A: NS 9775 1645) Hut Circle (NR)

(B: NS 9781 1638; C: NS 9784 1635) Hut Circles (NR)

(D: NS 9790 1620) Hut Circle (NR)

OS 6" map (1962)

When first seen in 1959 these features were identified as possible hut circles, amid numerous field clearance heaps. However, no entrances were noted, and as stones lay within three of them, it was also considered that they may have been robbed clearance heaps.

Visited by OS (WDJ) 11 August 1959

Field Visit (March 1976)

Cairns, Fall Kneesend.

On the lower SW slopes of Fall Kneesend there is a group of at least twenty small cairns situated at a height of 320 m OD, immediately above and to the N of the Roman road described under No. 263 [NS91NE 30.04]. The cairns, which are largely grass covered and roughly circular in shape, measure from 3 m to 7.5 m in diameter and not more than 0.6 m high.

Towards the NW end of the group, and 250 m ESE of a stone sheepfold, there is a small circular enclosure (977164) which measures 8 m in diameter within a stony bank 1'5 m thick and up to 0.3 m high; several large boulders are visible around the outer perimeter, and close to the centre of the enclosure there is a low mound of earth and stones, 3'0 m in diameter and 0.3 m high. In the absence of excavation the function of this enclosure is uncertain, but it is possibly a burial-site similar to No. 168 [NS92SE 18].

RCAHMS 1978, visited March 1976

Field Visit (3 April 1985)

The area is now within a forestry plantation and the cairns are part of a field system which extends over much of the gently-sloping ground N of the Roman Road.

Visited by RCAHMS (JBS) 3 April 1985

Excavation (1993 - 1995)

NS 980 161. This area is now being used by Biggar Museum to further evaluate the enigmatic site and to train local voluntary archaeologists in excavation and survey techniques. To date, little of consequence to add to the work of GUARD has been found except for two sherds, one of which is decorated and likely to be of Bronze Age date. A further part of the Roman road has been revealed adjacent to a quarry pit. A stony, linear bank previously suggested to be the apron of an unenclosed platform settlement has been shown to be most likely clearance of Bronze Age date.

Sponsors: Biggar Museum Trust, Lanark & District Archaeology Society.

T Ward 1993.

NS 980 162 Excavation has resumed on the cairn group and the cairn described by GUARD as covering a 'pyre' is now interpreted as a Bronze Age cremation burial. A single sherd of enlarged food vessel was found in the deposit of cremated bone and charcoal. No in situ burning was evident on the soil.

Sponsor: Biggar Museum Trust.

T Ward 1994

NS 980 162 Two conjoining fragments of a jet napkin ring were found on a cairn during excavations.

T Ward 1995

Excavation (1993)

NS 9800 1625. Excavation by GUARD of part of a large cairnfield took place ahead of construction of the M74 (M6) and a new access road. In total, seven discrete cairns of various sizes were investigated, as well as four structures and the remains of agricultural activity.

The cairns all exhibited features and forms of construction that indicated none of them to be simply clearance cairns. One small cairn covered the remains of a cremation pyre and fragments of burnt human bone. It is likely that the other cairns were covered, or contained, unburnt human bone of which no trace remained due to soil conditions. The discovery of square or rectangular cist-like structures which were integral to the cairn structures support this thesis.

A large ring cairn displayed several phases of construction, initiated by the cutting of a small ditch demarcating the extent of the cairn. Finds of struck chert and pottery indicate a Bronze Age date for the cairns.

A section of linear stone 'boundary' with three cairns along the length of it was excavated, but there was no evidence to suggest these cairns to be other than clearance.

The remains of two long, sub-oval, waisted stone structures set amongst the cairns were excavated. One of these structures measured 11m by 7m, and had a well-made entrance way, a hearth and internal post holes. It is at present not clear whether these structures are contemporary with or later than the cairns. A small circular structure c2.5m was excavated, as well as a sub-oval stone structure with an external cobbled area.

It is hoped to obtain radiocarbon dates for the site.

Sponsors: funded by Scottish Office Roads Directorate and managed by Historic Scotland.

J Downes 1993.

Excavation (1997)

NS 9800 1615 Continuing from excavation carried out in 1993, a total of four potential cairns were noted. One cairn was excavated by hand and a fragment of a jet/shale bead was retrieved. No dating evidence was recovered. All other cairns were sectioned by machine, drawn and photographed.

Sponsor: Historic Scotland

J S Duncan and S Halliday 1997

Management (14 February 2002)

Scheduled as Fall Kneesend, enclosed cremation cemetery.

Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 14 February 2002.


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