Scotland's Haven
Fish Trap (Period Unassigned), Harbour (Period Unassigned), Landing Stage (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Scotland's Haven
Classification Fish Trap (Period Unassigned), Harbour (Period Unassigned), Landing Stage (Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) Gill's Point, Inner Sound
Canmore ID 330836
Site Number ND37SW 37
NGR ND 31741 74369
Datum WGS84 - Lat/Long
- Council Highland
- Parish Maritime - Highland
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Maritime
- Former County Not Applicable
Reference (March 2012)
Sitename : Scotland's Haven
Altname : Gill's Point, Inner Sound
Note : Vertical aerial photographs show in the bay just west of the Head of Crees what looks like an ayre acting as a fish trap and sheltering a landing pace with a beach to the south. The ayre protrudes to the north of the Head of Crees and has a very distinctive ‘bottle’ shape from the air. It has a narrow entrance for boats arriving from the north that opens progressively into wider areas that probably acted as a harbour as it is called Scotland’s Haven. The harbour is 350 metres long (north-south) and up to 150 metres wide. It is at co-ordinates NGR 331741E 974369N.
Sources :
RCAHMS,Head of Crees, Canisbay, CAITHNESS, SCOTLAND, Sortie ASS_624_89, Frame 0040,RCAHMS,1989
RCAHMS,East Mey, Canisbay, CAITHNESS, SCOTLAND, Sortie ASS_624_89, Frame 0039,RCAHMS,1989