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Cultybraggan Camp, Scottish Office, National Civil And Military Command And Control Centre

Bunker (20th Century)

Site Name Cultybraggan Camp, Scottish Office, National Civil And Military Command And Control Centre

Classification Bunker (20th Century)

Alternative Name(s) Comrie

Canmore ID 266262

Site Number NN72SE 231

NGR NN 76881 20187

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Digital Images

Oblique aerial view centred on the prisoner-of-war and training camps, taken from the NW.
Oblique aerial view centred on the prisoner-of-war and training camps, taken from the NW.View from NW of officers mess (hut 27)View of medical centre (hut 28)Interior view of officers ablutions (hut 22) showing shower cubiclesInterior view of sergeants mess, lounge showing brick built fireplace and seating arrangementInterior view of sergeants mess, showing kitchen ranges and equipmentInterior view in lecture room showing detail of scenic demonstation training panel.oom, detail of muralInterior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, showing telephone switchboard and air ventilation trunking.Oblique aerial view centred on the military camp with the bunker, observation post and remains of the church and graveyard adjacent, taken from the S.View N showing captured Iraqi armoured personnel vehicleView from  NE of Officers ablutions/showers, multi gym block (hut 22) and water towerView NW of officers accommodation (huts 29-38)View from N to Main Gate showing officers accommodation (huts 29-38), the medical centre (hut 28) and the Officers Mess (hut 27)View to NW showing Main Camp Stores and armouryView from SW of main camp store/armoury (hut 19) and central messing buildingView from S of female and male showers (hut 72) and sergeants accommodation  (hut 73)View from S of female and male showers (hut 72) and sergeants accommodation  (hut 73)View looking SE from water tower to officers accmmodation (huts 21-24 and 33-38) and churchInterior view of workshop / range store (hut 7), showing an original pot bellied stoveInterior view of workshop / range store (hut 7), showing an original pot bellied stoveInterior view of officers mess bar serving area (hut 27)Interior view of sergeants mess, lounge showing brick built fireplace and seating arrangementInterior view in lecture room showing detail of scenic demonstation training panelInterior view of R & F accommodation hut (hut 80) showing  line of beds with lockersInterior view of armoury/main camp store, showing former cellInterior view of armoury/main camp store showing corridor and former cell doorsView from SW of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre.Interior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, showing part of the air filtration unitnd bunkerOblique aerial view centred on the prisoner-of-war and training camps, taken from the NNW.View of guardhouse (hut 1) and barrierDetail view of officers accommodation (hut 32) showing gable end door and widowsView from S to N section of camp with part of  church and the playing fieldsView from NW of N section of the camp showing original Nissen hutsView from N of 32 signals COMCEN telephone (hut 13) and the senior officers accommodation (hut16)Interior view, detail of harmoniumInterior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, showing kitchen area.Interior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre showing air filtration and extraction units.View from N to Main Gate showing officers accommodation (huts 29-38), the medical centre (hut 28) and the Officers Mess (hut 27)View from SW showing officers accommodation (huts 29-38).of officers accommodation from SWView from N of of S section of camp including playing fieldsView from N of of S section of camp including playing fieldsView from S to N section of camp with part of  church and the playing fieldsView to NW showing Main Camp Stores and armouryView from NW of laundrette/ bunk store (hut 17) and water towerView from N,  of N part of the camp showing some of the original Nissen hutsView from E of indoor games room and senior officers accommodation ( huts 15 and 16)View from S of 25m firing rangeView from N of non-firing side and rear elevation of firing rangeView looking N from water tower to main camp store/armoury and NE section of the original campInterior view of officers mess, conference room (hut 27) showing meetings table, seating and fireplaceInterior view of lecture room with demonstration scenic dsiplays on the wallsInterior view of lecture room with demonstration scenic dsiplays on the wallsInterior view of armoury/main camp store, showing former cellInterior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, showing corridor with trunking.View of vehicle service bay (hut 8) and vehicle fuel  pointView N showing captured Iraqi armoured personnel vehicleInterior view of officers mess bar serving area (hut 27)'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, detail of blast protected W entrance.Oblique aerial view centred on the military camp with the bunker, observation post and remains of the church and graveyard adjacent, taken from the SSE.Oblique aerial view centred on the military camp with the bunker, observation post and remains of the church and graveyard adjacent, taken from the NE.View of guardhouse (hut 1) and barrierView from  NE of Officers ablutions/showers, multi gym block (hut 22) and water towerView from NW of officers mess (hut 27)View from S to N section of camp with part of  church and the playing fieldsView of training units quartermasetr store (hut 83)View from N of 32 signals COMCEN telephone (hut 13) and the senior officers accommodation (hut16)View from SE of assault course and 25m firing rangeView from water tower looking S to SE corner of camp showing officers accommodationInterior view of church showing harmonium, altar and seating (hut 21)Interior view of church showing harmonium, altar and seating (hut 21)Interior view, detail of harmoniumInterior view in lecture room showing detail of scenic demonstation training panelInterior view of NAAF (hut 65)I, detail of wall painting (cartoon) near entranceView from SW of 'Scottish Office bunker' national civil and military command and control centre.'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, detail of blast protected W entrance.Interior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, showing kitchen area.Interior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, showing telephone switchboard and air ventilation trunking.Interior view of 'Scottish Office bunker', national civil and military command and control centre, showing corridor with trunking.View of visitor car park and parade ground area with visiting unit HQView SW of workshops (huts 6 and 7) and hut 8 the vehicle service bayView from  NW of Officers ablutions/showers, multi gym block (hut 22)and water towerView from SW of R & F accommodation (huts 41-43, 61-5), NAAFI (65)View of training units quartermasetr store (hut 83)View from NE showing rear elevation of NAAFI (hut 65)View looking N from water tower to main stores, central mess and NE part of the original campView looking W from water tower to indoor games, lecture room, contractors ablutions/store and contractors office. (huts 14-15, 106-108)Interior view, showing ante room to rear of church with stove, seating and lecternInterior view of R & F accommodation hut (hut 63) showing beds and wardrobesInterior view of R & F accommodation hut (hut 80) showing  line of beds with lockersInterior view of armoury/main camp store showing corridor and former cell doorsView S showing Camp Commandant's Office and officesView of visitor car park and parade ground area with visiting unit HQView N showing captured Iraqi armoured personnel vehicleView of medical centre (hut 28)View from SW of R & F accommodation (huts 41-43, 61-5), NAAFI (65)View from SW of R & F accommodation (huts 41-43, 61-5), NAAFI (65)View from NW of Sergeants messView from SE of of NAAFI (hut 65) and row of huts (68-71) to rearView from E of church (hut 21)View looking W from water tower to indoor games, lecture room, contractors ablutions/store and contractors office. (huts 14-15, 106-108)

First 100 images shown. See the Collections panel (below) for a link to all digital images.

Administrative Areas

  • Council Perth And Kinross
  • Parish Comrie (Perth And Kinross)
  • Former Region Tayside
  • Former District Perth And Kinross
  • Former County Perthshire

Archaeology Notes

NN72SE 231 76881 20187

For Cultybraggan Training camp (ex Prisoner-of-war camp), see NN71NE 26

Situated in the NE corner of the former area of the Cultybraggan military training camp (NN71NE 26), but within its own wire perimeter fence, there is a grass-covered bunker with on top, prominent air conditioning units, and immediately to the N a metal framed radio mast . There is a probable septic tank (indicated by warning signs) to the NW, and to the NE (outside the fence) and an underground Royal Observor Corps (ROC) post (NN72SE 232.02).

Known locally as the 'Scottish Office bunker' this large, complex and well-equipped structure was apparently intended as a national civil and military command and control centre in a post-nuclear strike situation.

When visited, the disused building was empty of portable equipment, but still in sound condition. All plant and heavy equipment remained in place, and almost all spaces were accessible. It is built on two levels, the upper being centred around what has evidently been a large operations room and associated communications facilities. The lower floor, which is below ground level, is largely occupied by accommodation spaces and catering facilities. Decontamination (shower) facilities are provided at the entrance and there are large plant rooms on both levels, that on the lower floor having an array of air filtration units. Specialist facilities on the lower floor include a strong room (room 1-31) with combination lock on the door, a television studio, unseen at the time of visit and a telephone relay room.

Visited by RCAHMS (DRE, JM, RJCM), 20 October 2004.


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