Archaeology Notes
Event ID 645929
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NN72SE 231 76881 20187
For Cultybraggan Training camp (ex Prisoner-of-war camp), see NN71NE 26
Situated in the NE corner of the former area of the Cultybraggan military training camp (NN71NE 26), but within its own wire perimeter fence, there is a grass-covered bunker with on top, prominent air conditioning units, and immediately to the N a metal framed radio mast . There is a probable septic tank (indicated by warning signs) to the NW, and to the NE (outside the fence) and an underground Royal Observor Corps (ROC) post (NN72SE 232.02).
Known locally as the 'Scottish Office bunker' this large, complex and well-equipped structure was apparently intended as a national civil and military command and control centre in a post-nuclear strike situation.
When visited, the disused building was empty of portable equipment, but still in sound condition. All plant and heavy equipment remained in place, and almost all spaces were accessible. It is built on two levels, the upper being centred around what has evidently been a large operations room and associated communications facilities. The lower floor, which is below ground level, is largely occupied by accommodation spaces and catering facilities. Decontamination (shower) facilities are provided at the entrance and there are large plant rooms on both levels, that on the lower floor having an array of air filtration units. Specialist facilities on the lower floor include a strong room (room 1-31) with combination lock on the door, a television studio, unseen at the time of visit and a telephone relay room.
Visited by RCAHMS (DRE, JM, RJCM), 20 October 2004.