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Glasvaar 7

Cup And Ring Marked Rock (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age)

Site Name Glasvaar 7

Classification Cup And Ring Marked Rock (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age)

Canmore ID 22820

Site Number NM80SE 6

NGR NM 88618 01902

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Argyll And Bute
  • Parish Kilmichael Glassary
  • Former Region Strathclyde
  • Former District Argyll And Bute
  • Former County Argyll

Archaeology Notes

NM80SE 6 886 019.

NM 885 019 About 500 yards north of Glasvaar farm buildings, 15 yards from the west corner of a field consisting mainly of a 'whale-back' outcrop of fissured schist, and on the horizontal top strip of the rock, are a number of rock carvings consisting of

A: a basin 10" in diameter and 8" deep.

B: two cups, each with one ring, 6" and 6 1/2" in diameter. The rings are complete and there are no grooves.

C: a further 27 cups, one of which is 5" in diameter and 3" deep with traces of a surrounding ring.

H Petzsch 1972; R W B Morris 1977.

Thirty-seven cups seen in 1981, of which 6 are ringed, and rock-basin.

M Campbell et al 1981.

On eastward continuation of fissured rock ridge at a slightly lower level, over an area c 3.2m N-S and 1m E-W, 35 plain cups, 5 cups with single rings, 2 cups with 2 rings, 5 cups with single rings some of which are shared and 1 cup with 7 concentric rings and at least 2 radial grooves (not all of this figure is clearly preserved).

A Kahane 1982.


Field Visit (May 1984)

NM 885 019. This group of cup-and-ring markings lies on a whale-backed outcrop immediately W of the track that leads NE from Glasvaar farm-steading and 22m S of a forestry plantation (Morris 1977; Petzsch 1972; Campbell 1981). The outcrop has two decorated surfaces, one on the crest of the ridge and the other on a terrace to the E.

On the crest there are the weathered remains of seven cups with single rings, forty plain cups, three cups with gutters, and a later knocking-stone basin. The decoration on the lower surface is more complex and is largely unweathered as it is normally covered with turf (Kahane 1982). The principal feature is a cup and single ring with seven partial rings on the E; it is accompanied by a series of cups, some surrounded by single or double rings, others grouped within rings, and a number of plain cups and channels.

Visited May 1984


Measured Survey (May 1984)

RCAHMS surveyed Glasvaar cup-and-ring markings on May 1984 with plane-table and alidade producing a plan at a scale of 1:100. The plan of the cup-and-ring markings was redrawn in ink and published at a scale of 1:250 (RCAHMS 1988a, 113).

Note (2 August 2018)

Date Fieldwork Started: 02/08/2018

Compiled by: Parallel Grooves

Location Notes: Glasvaar 7 is located on a small hillock which runs NE-SW in an area of undulating terrain approximately 1km NW of Glasvaar farmhouse. Limited views of hilltops can be seen to the W and a wider view of the opposite side of the valley is seen to the SE. The panel is located 10m to the W of the farm track, and approximately 15 m S of a junction between a post-and-wire fence and a stone field wall, close to a gate opening onto a track through the nearby forestry plantation. A group of 3 large deciduous trees are located approximately 50 m to the SW of the panel, in an area where there are the low turf-covered remains of several structures including a possible corn-drying kiln. Glasvaar 8 and 9 are located approximately 60 m S of Glasvaar 7, to the E of the farm track and stone wall.

Panel Notes: Glasvaar 7 is a large (5.4 x 2.3 m) outcropping ridge of rock in two sections: a rounded upper ridge and a lower platform adjacent to its SE. The entire panel measures 5.4 m by 2.3 m, with a maximum height of 1.4 m above the surrounding land. The upper section is oriented to the NNE at an incline of 13 degrees, while the lower section faces WSW at an incline of 12 degrees. The lower section was obscured by vegetation. The rock is fine-grained and is friable in some areas, which may accelerate erosion to motifs. Natural visible features include quartz veins, coloured bands, fissures/cracks, natural hollows, weathering channels, bedding planes. A significant part of the panel is turf-covered, and the lower platform is entirely hidden by turf. Both sections are heavily decorated with complex motifs, and comprise at least 81 single cupmarks (2 of which may be ringed), nine cups with rings, one cup with a ring and radial groove, three dumbells, three sets of conjoined cups and rings, and a cartouche. The panel also bears a conglomeration of six cups surrounded by a complex groove, and a cup with one ring and 7 partial rings. The panel also bears a large, rounded basin in its upper section which may or may not be prehistoric. Rock type identified using online information from the British Geological Survey.


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