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Field Visit
Date May 1984
Event ID 1102159
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NM 885 019. This group of cup-and-ring markings lies on a whale-backed outcrop immediately W of the track that leads NE from Glasvaar farm-steading and 22m S of a forestry plantation (Morris 1977; Petzsch 1972; Campbell 1981). The outcrop has two decorated surfaces, one on the crest of the ridge and the other on a terrace to the E.
On the crest there are the weathered remains of seven cups with single rings, forty plain cups, three cups with gutters, and a later knocking-stone basin. The decoration on the lower surface is more complex and is largely unweathered as it is normally covered with turf (Kahane 1982). The principal feature is a cup and single ring with seven partial rings on the E; it is accompanied by a series of cups, some surrounded by single or double rings, others grouped within rings, and a number of plain cups and channels.
Visited May 1984