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Uddingston, Station Road, Uddingston Grammar School

School (19th Century)

Site Name Uddingston, Station Road, Uddingston Grammar School

Classification School (19th Century)

Alternative Name(s) Gardenside Street; Senior Secondary School

Canmore ID 202591

Site Number NS66SE 123

NGR NS 69379 60845

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council South Lanarkshire
  • Parish Bothwell (Hamilton)
  • Former Region Strathclyde
  • Former District Hamilton
  • Former County Lanarkshire

Site Management (12 March 2010)

5 x 4 bay asymmetrical original L-plan Grammar School with Dutch gables and gothick detail. Stugged red sandstone ashlar with polished ashlar dressings. Base course; hood moulds over ground and some 1st floor windows; cill course to 1st floor; eaves course. Chamfered reveals to windows; stone mullions; long and short quoins.Replacement uPVC windows. grey slate roof with pierced red clay ridge; polygonal (later) ashlar stack to W end; ashlar coped blocked skews; cast-iron rainwater goods. BOUNDARY WALLS AND GATEPIERS: replacement square-plan piers with shallow pyramidal caps; replacement wrought-iron gates.Low ashlar sandstone walls with ridged ashlar cope and regular tall intervals to E side; decorative wrought-iron railings (replaced to N).

The Grammar School opened on 3rd August, 1885 and its first rector was dominie James Smith who had also presided over the Free Church School as well as Uddingston Joint Public School. He transferred his skills to the Grammar School and it remained under his guidance until his retirement in 1890. An annexe was added to the school in 1925, a Higher Grade department in 1960 and further extensions in 1994. The original L-plan core still remains. Bears stylistical similarities to Muiredge Primary School on Watston Street. (Historic Scotland)


Archaeological Evaluation (July 2006)

NS 690 608 An archaeological evaluation was undertaken in July 2006 at the proposed new site of Uddingston Grammar School, in accordance with a condition of planning consent for the construction of new school buildings on the site of existing playing fields. The site was regarded as having high archaeological potential because of the presence of a medieval chapel (NS66SE 13) and a number of chance finds of Roman (NS66SE 15 16) and prehistoric (NS66SE 14 and 19) material in the area. Historically, and from map evidence, the study area appears to have remained undeveloped, being under fields even since the establishment of the original grammar school building to the E of the site in the latter part of the 19th century. Some limited landscaping appears to have been carried out on the site for the the playing fields that now exist on the site, although this seems to have been minimal. Trial trenches equivalent to 5.5% of the development area were excavated, but no archaeological deposits or features were recorded other than agricultural and modern drainage features.

Archive and report to be deposited in NMRS. Report lodged with WoSAS SMR.

Sponsor: South Lanarkshire Council.

A Dutton 2006

Archaeological Evaluation (19 February 2008 - 21 February 2008)

NS 68892 60839 An evaluation was carried out on 19–21 February 2008 on land prior to redevelopment as a sports pitch. The site was close to findspots of both prehistoric and Roman artefacts and to the suggested site of a medieval chapel identified on historic maps of the area. An earlier evaluation on a different part of the development area had failed to identify any features of archaeological significance, but surface finds of pottery indicated possible medieval activity on, or near the site. This phase of work did not reveal any features or deposits of archaeological significance and a horseshoe-shaped mound, thought to be of interest, was

identified as being the result of 20th-century site clearance, probably associated with works on the adjacent viaduct.

Archive: RCAHMS

Funder: WSP Environmental for Morgan Ashurst

K Bain (Headland Archaeology Ltd), 2008


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