Archaeological Evaluation
Date 19 February 2008 - 21 February 2008
Event ID 568252
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
NS 68892 60839 An evaluation was carried out on 19–21 February 2008 on land prior to redevelopment as a sports pitch. The site was close to findspots of both prehistoric and Roman artefacts and to the suggested site of a medieval chapel identified on historic maps of the area. An earlier evaluation on a different part of the development area had failed to identify any features of archaeological significance, but surface finds of pottery indicated possible medieval activity on, or near the site. This phase of work did not reveal any features or deposits of archaeological significance and a horseshoe-shaped mound, thought to be of interest, was
identified as being the result of 20th-century site clearance, probably associated with works on the adjacent viaduct.
Archive: RCAHMS
Funder: WSP Environmental for Morgan Ashurst
K Bain (Headland Archaeology Ltd), 2008