Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
A 79986 CS
James Brian Kenworthy
J Kenworthy
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
D 8768
Copies of illustrations from John Stuart, The Sculptured Stones of Scotland
Pictish symbol stones at Kintradwell, Firth and Balneilean.
From J Stuart, The Sculptured Stones of Scotland, vol. ii, plate civ.
Filed under NC90NW 15.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 970790
Copies of illustrations from John Stuart, The Sculptured Stones of Scotland
Pictish symbol stone at Firth.
From J Stuart, The Sculptured Stones of Scotland, vol. ii, plate civ.
Digital copy of detail of D 8768.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
E 72748
Records of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Photographic copy of two rubbings. The glass plate was broken. The left rubbing shows detail of a Pictish symbol stone fragment, originally from Redland, Firth, now at the National Museum of Scotland. The rubbing shows a rectangle above a crescent and V-rod.
The right rubbing shows detail from the face of a Pictish symbol stone fragment, originally from Finlarig Chapel Park, now at National Museum of Scotland, acc no. IB 11. The rubbing detail shows a crescent and v-rod symbol with the remnants of a rectangle and Z-rod above.
c. 1890
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 60669
Papers of Ian G Scott, archaeological illustrator, Edinburgh, Scotland
Measured drawing of symbol stone from Redland, Firth.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1349763
Papers of Ian G Scott, archaeological illustrator, Edinburgh, Scotland
Measured drawing of symbol stone from Redland, Firth.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2340400
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Redland, Firth, HY31NE 15, Ordnance Survey index card, Recto
c. 1958
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2340401
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Redland, Firth, HY31NE 15, Ordnance Survey index card, Recto
c. 1958
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2340402
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Redland, Firth, HY31NE 15, Ordnance Survey index card, Recto
c. 1958
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
SC 2739806
James Brian Kenworthy
J Kenworthy
Item Level
All Other
551 166/1/1
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Archaeological site card index ('495' cards)
Sub-Group Level