Castle Hill, Inverness
Hearth (Period Unassigned)(Possible), Pit(S) (Period Unassigned), Post Hole(S) (Period Unassigned), Unidentified Pottery (Iron Age)
Site Name Castle Hill, Inverness
Classification Hearth (Period Unassigned)(Possible), Pit(S) (Period Unassigned), Post Hole(S) (Period Unassigned), Unidentified Pottery (Iron Age)
Alternative Name(s) Cauldfield Road
Canmore ID 184920
Site Number NH64SE 246
NGR NH 697 440
NGR Description NH c. 697 440
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Inverness And Bona
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Inverness
- Former County Inverness-shire
Archaeological Evaluation (2000)
NH64SE 246 c. 697 440
NH 697 440 In spring 2000 an archaeological evaluation by trial trenching was undertaken, followed by full excavation of a small area at Castlehill, prior to a housing development. Features relating to prehistoric and modern (18th to 20th century) occupation were identified. These included post-holes, pits (possibly for storage) and areas of burning.
The first stage of evaluation involved the trial trenching of a 2% sample (c 550m2) of the development area. The only archaeological features located, other than field drains and modern disturbance, lay in the NW corner of the site. One was a post-hole, while the other was a small pit, which produced one sherd of possible Iron Age pottery. A wider area was opened up around these features, leading to the discovery of an irregular shallow scoop, which produced a sherd of probable Neolithic pottery and two fragments of possible pitchstone, and a small pit.
Full excavation was carried out in the area (c 50 x 20m) surrounding the above-noted features, which lay on the top of a distinct knoll in the SW corner of the development. In total, c 25 small post-holes and pits were identified.
A concentration of cut features, perhaps representing a discrete zone of activity, was located around the previously encountered pits. There may have been a temporary structure in this location, perhaps centred on a possible hearth pit and various storage pits. The location of various post-holes suggested one or two palisade boundaries. Radiocarbon dates from two features suggest a date range in the latter half of the 4th millennium BC (calibrated).
Features, including a pig burial and a drainage cut, demonstrated the use of this field in recent times (19th/20th century) for farming, and suggested the importance of drainage in the area.
Sponsor: Tulloch Homes Ltd.
M Roy 2000.