On-line Digital Images |
DP 176481 |
RCAHMS Aerial Photography Digital |
Oblique aerial view of Swanston Village, looking to the NE. |
11/3/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 176483 |
RCAHMS Aerial Photography Digital |
Oblique aerial view of Swanston Village, looking to the N. |
11/3/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 176484 |
RCAHMS Aerial Photography Digital |
Oblique aerial view of Swanston Village, looking to the N. |
11/3/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 176485 |
RCAHMS Aerial Photography Digital |
Oblique aerial view of Swanston Village, looking to the NW. |
11/3/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 176486 |
RCAHMS Aerial Photography Digital |
Oblique aerial view of Swanston Village, looking to the W. |
11/3/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 188973 |
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu |
General view of Swanston Village, looking west. |
13/5/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 188974 |
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu |
General view of Swanston Village, looking west north west. |
13/5/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 188975 |
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu |
General view of Swanston Village, looking east. |
13/5/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 188976 |
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu |
General view of Swanston Village, looking north north west. |
13/5/2014 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
DP 188977 |
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu |
General view of Swanston Village, looking east. |
13/5/2014 |
Item Level |
Print Room |
PA 169/21V/1-2 |
General Collection. Photograph Albums. |
Views of Swanston village, Edinburgh. |
c. 1914 |
Item Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
E 77743 |
General Collection |
View of Swanston Village |
Item Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
E 77767 |
General Collection |
View of Swanston Village |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
SC 1647003 |
List C Survey |
View of village and Pentland hills beyond from approach road. |
1975 |
Item Level |
On-line Digital Images |
SC 1647004 |
List C Survey |
View of village and Pentland hills beyond from approach road. |
1975 |
Item Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
E 76843/20 |
Papers of Paul Shillabeer, professional photographer, Edinburgh, Scotland
Distant view from N of Swanston Village, Edinburgh |
c. 1960 |
Item Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images |
SC 2181829 |
Papers of Paul Shillabeer, professional photographer, Edinburgh, Scotland
Distant view from N of Swanston Village, Edinburgh |
c. 1960 |
Item Level |
All Other |
PA 2 |
General Collection. Photograph Albums. |
Photograph Album No 2: SWANSTON ALBUM
Amateur Album, red leather and linen book format. Registered Trade Mark S 1033
Amateur views of Swanston village and surrounding area.
Insc: (front cover on note paper) 'John Cochrane. The tropics vanish; And me seems that I from
Halkerside; from topmost Allermuir; On steep Caeketton, dreaming, gaze again. From J.B.[?]. 1907-08'
c. 1907 |
Batch Level |
All Other |
PA 26 |
General Collection. Photograph Albums. |
Album of professional prints, dark purple leather with black spine and corners, gilt inlay.
Album of J. Valentine and G.W.Wilson prints of houses, castles, churches, bridges and topography.
Includes pictures of coaches and views including "Descending the Pass of Melfort in a coach and four" by George Washington Wilson and Ben Nevis Observatory. |
c. 1870 |
Batch Level |
All Other |
PA 133 |
General Collection. Photograph Albums. |
Photograph Album No.133: The Mackays of Upper Gray Street, 1903-1938
Dark green hard backed album, the front decorated and titled 'POSTCARDS', the end papers of coloured jugendstijl pattern and labelled inside the back 'Marshall 6 Salisbury Place Edinr.' (listed there in 1903).
75 green pages slotted to hold at least 4 postcards each side.
Most spaces are filled with unused postcards grouped topographically mainly of Scotland and the north of England. Also 3 woven silk cards of 1908 and 1911 exhibitions. A few unused cards reveal that this is probably a travel record of the MacKay family at 29 (and later 3) Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. It also includes eight post cards in a series produced by the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1903/4 on SY "Scotia" which show, 1. Capt Robertson and Mr Fitchie fixing Scotia's position; 2. Scotia sledge camp, S. Orkneys 1903; 3. Saddle Island, S. Orkneys where Capt. Weddell (Leith) landed 1823, and Scotia naturalists in 1903; 4. Ringed penguins - first arrivals at MacDougall Bay, S. Orkneys 1903; 8. Dr RNR Brown, Mr D Walton and Dr THH Pirie in Scotia's laboratory; 9. Mr RC Mossman and Scottish party at Omond House, Jessie Bay, built by the crew if the Scotia 1903/4; 11 Glacier ice-face on Pirie peninsula, Brown's Bay, S. Orkneys; 12. Scotia frozen up, wintering in Scotia Bay, March-November 1903. [Nos. 5,6,7,and 10 are nt present.]
Other post cards show the Royal Review 1905; a series of portraits of Admirals (Nelson, Hardie, Collingwood, Duncan and Napier); Actors (Edward Compton, Lewis Waller, Martin Harvey, JG Taylor, Holbrook Blane, Pauline Chase, Nora Lancaster, Miss N de Silva, Miss Coleridge, Bessie Elder, Lily Brayton and Mr and Mrs Laurence Irving -Mabel Hackney) and scenes from plays "The Breed of the Treshams", "The Only Way", "The Unwritten Law", "A Cigarette Maker's Romance" and "Hamlet". |
1903 |
Batch Level |
All Other |
PA 169 |
General Collection. Photograph Albums. |
Un-named Album - contains photographs of sites and countryside in Edinburgh (Craiglockhart), Glasgow, East Lothian, Borders; London, Paris, Switzerland and front line trenches in Arras 1917.
Trams, steam trains, vintage cars, tanks. |
c. 1914 |
Batch Level |
All Other |
551 252/2/7/3 |
Papers of Paul Shillabeer, professional photographer, Edinburgh, Scotland
Images: Swanston Village, Edinburgh. |
c. 1960 |
Batch Level |