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Edinburgh, Canonmills, Brandon Street, General


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Photographs and Off-line Digital Images ED 7717 Brandon Street. View of yard gate and gatepost (half). c. 1970 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images ED 11231 Records of Edinburgh Architectural Association, Edinburgh, Scotland Brandon Street. Composite elevation. 1971 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images A 34670 CN Brandon Street, bus stop. View of indicator board. 1986 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PB/148/C/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Tenements for Mr Robert Kinnear. Ground floor plan. Titled: 'Two Tenements at Brandon Street for Mr Robert Kinnear'. Insc: '6 Queen Street'. Signed: 'Alex W Macnaughton Archt'. Dated: 'Edinr Novr 1883'. 11/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PB/148/A/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Drawing showing front elevation, with detail of railing, for tenements for Mr Robert Kinnear, Brandon Street, Edinburgh. Titled: 'Two Tenements at Brandon Street for Mr Robert Kinnear'. Insc: 'Mr Kinnear got complete set of full size details for front wall and railing cope. Feby 29th 1884 [...]' '6 Queen Street'. Signed: 'Alex W Macnaughton Archt'. Dated: 'Edinr Novr 1883'. 11/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PB/148/B/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Tenements for Mr Robert Kinnear. Front elevation. Titled: 'Two Tenements at Brandon Street for Mr Robert Kinnear'. Insc: 'not used' '6 Queen Street'. Signed: 'Alex W Macnaughton Archt'. Dated: 'Edinbr Novr 1883'. 11/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PB/148/D/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Drawing showing upper floor plan and section of scullery and bathroom for tenements for Mr Robert Kinnear, Brandon Street, Edinburgh. Titled: 'Two Tenements at Brandon Street for Mr Robert Kinnear'. Insc: '6 Queen Street'. Signed: 'Alex W Macnaughton Archt'. Dated: 'Edinr Novr 1883'. 11/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/27/A/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Plan and section of Dundas Street and Pitt Street showing proposed extension of road. Titled: 'PLAN and SECTION of DUNDAS and PITT STREETS with THE ROAD PROPOSED to be CONTINUED FROM THESE STREETS till it INTERSECTS the ROAD to CANONMILLs DISTILLERY'. c. 1790 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images C 13236 P Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Photographic copy of plan and section of Dundas Street and Pitt Street showing proposed extension of road. Titled: 'PLAN and SECTION of DUNDAS and PITT STREETS with THE ROAD PROPOSED to be CONTINUED FROM THESE STREETS till it INTERSECTS the ROAD to CANONMILLs DISTILLERY'. c. 1790 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/201/A/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Elevations of new terrace, Perth and Brandon Street including details of tree planting. c. 1849 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/201/B/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Site plan showing showing new terrace, Perth and Brandon Street including details of feus and planting shown on bank between terrace and low road. c. 1849 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/201/D/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Site layout showing feuing plan including Henderson Row, Perth and Brandon Street. Title: 'PLAN for feuing THE DISTILLERY PARK the property of GEORGE HERIOT'S HOSPITAL 1825'. c. 1825 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/201/E/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Site layout showing feuing plan including new terrace, low road, Perth and Brandon Street, Henderson Row and sketch details of planting. c. 1848 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/252/A/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Street and block plan showing layout of lots I and II including their backgrounds. Title: 'FEUING PLAN OF GROUND ON WEST SIDE OF BRANDON STREET THE PROPERTY OF GEORGE HERIOT'S HOSPITAL JOHN CHESSER. ARCHITECT'. Insc: 'This is the plan referred to in the Minute of Exposure to Sale by way of feu of two lots of ground on the West side of Brandon Street as prepared by John Chesser Architect Edinburgh Superintendent of Works of Heriots Hospital and as signed by David Lewis Treasurer of said Hospital as relative to the said minute Edinburgh 7th October 1883 David Lewis' '21 St Andrew Square Edinr'. Signed: 'John Chesser'. Dated: 'June 1883'. 6/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/252/A/2 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Street and block plan showing layout of lots I and II including their backgrounds. Title: 'FEUING PLAN OF GROUND ON WEST SIDE OF BRANDON STREET THE PROPERTY OF GEORGE HERIOT'S HOSPITAL JOHN CHESSER. ARCHITECT'. Insc: '21 St Andrew Square Edinr'. Dated: 'June 1883'. 6/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/252/B/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Street elevation and front wall plans. Title: 'ELEVATION OF TWO TENEMENTS ON WEST SIDE OF BRANDON STREET'. Insc: 'This is the elevation plan referred to in the Minute of Exposure to Sale by way of feu of two lots of ground on the West side of Brandon Street as prepared by John Chesser Architect Edinburgh Superintendent of Works of Heriots Hospital and as signed by David Lewis Treasurer of said Hospital as relative to the said minute Edinburgh 7th October 1883 David Lewis' '21 St Andrew Square Edinr'. Signed: 'John Chesser'. Dated: 'Octr 1883'. 10/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PP/252/C/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Plan and elevation of passage to back green. Insc: '21 St Andrew Square Edinr'. Signed: 'John Chesser'. Dated: 'Octr 1883'. 10/1883 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PL/116/A/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Ground plan and section showing location of gas pipes including side elevation of Heriot cottage. Title: 'Sketch of Proposed Line of Gas Pipes through The Heriot's Hospital Ground June. 1870' Insc: 'Edinr Gas Light Co 25 Waterloo Place'. 6/1870 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PL/116/B/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Ground plan showing location of gas pipes. Title: 'Sketch of Proposed Extension of Mains going through the grounds belonging to Heriots Hospital'. c. 1870 Item Level
Manuscripts GHT PL/116/C/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Correspondance from the Edinburgh Gas Light Company Office to John Chesser regarding the location of gas pipes. Dated: '14th April 1870'. Signed: 'N Watson Manager'. 14/4/1870 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PL/198/B/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Street and block plan including details of ground for bowling club. Insc: '7 Royal Exchange Edinr'. c. 1879 Item Level
Prints and Drawings GHT PL/198/A/1 Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Street and block plan including details Messrs R & R Clarke's ground. Insc: '7 Royal Exchange Edinr'. Dated: 'May 1884'. 5/1884 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images C 13271 P Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Photographic copy of street and block plan showing layout of lots I and II including their backgrounds. Title: 'FEUING PLAN OF GROUND ON WEST SIDE OF BRANDON STREET THE PROPERTY OF GEORGE HERIOT'S HOSPITAL JOHN CHESSER. ARCHITECT'. Insc: 'This is the plan referred to in the Minute of Exposure to Sale by way of feu of two lots of ground on the West side of Brandon Street as prepared by John Chesser Architect Edinburgh Superintendent of Works of Heriots Hospital and as signed by David Lewis Treasurer of said Hospital as relative to the said minute Edinburgh 7th October 1883 David Lewis' '21 St Andrew Square Edinr'. Signed: 'John Chesser'. Dated: 'June 1883'. 6/1883 Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images C 13272 P Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland Photographic copy of street elevation and front wall plans. Title: 'ELEVATION OF TWO TENEMENTS ON WEST SIDE OF BRANDON STREET'. Insc: 'This is the elevation plan referred to in the Minute of Exposure to Sale by way of feu of two lots of ground on the West side of Brandon Street as prepared by John Chesser Architect Edinburgh Superintendent of Works of Heriots Hospital and as signed by David Lewis Treasurer of said Hospital as relative to the said minute Edinburgh 7th October 1883 David Lewis' '21 St Andrew Square Edinr'. Signed: 'John Chesser'. Dated: 'Octr 1883'. 10/1883 Item Level