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Photographic copy of street and block plan showing layout of lots I and II including their backgrounds. Title: 'FEUING PLAN OF GROUND ON WEST SIDE OF BRANDON STREET THE PROPERTY OF GEORGE HERIOT'S ...
C 13271 P
Description Photographic copy of street and block plan showing layout of lots I and II including their backgrounds. Title: 'FEUING PLAN OF GROUND ON WEST SIDE OF BRANDON STREET THE PROPERTY OF GEORGE HERIOT'S HOSPITAL JOHN CHESSER. ARCHITECT'. Insc: 'This is the plan referred to in the Minute of Exposure to Sale by way of feu of two lots of ground on the West side of Brandon Street as prepared by John Chesser Architect Edinburgh Superintendent of Works of Heriots Hospital and as signed by David Lewis Treasurer of said Hospital as relative to the said minute Edinburgh 7th October 1883 David Lewis' '21 St Andrew Square Edinr'. Signed: 'John Chesser'. Dated: 'June 1883'.
Date 6/1883
Collection Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Catalogue Number C 13271 P
Category Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
Copy of GHT PP/252/A/1
Accession Number 1985/15
Attribution & Restricted Use Summary
Attribution: © Courtesy of HES (George Heriot’s Trust Collection)
Licence Type: Limited
You may solely view this material on the Canmore Site. No other use is permitted.