Ardross, Stittenham
Cairn (Prehistoric)(Possible), Cist (Prehistoric)
Site Name Ardross, Stittenham
Classification Cairn (Prehistoric)(Possible), Cist (Prehistoric)
Canmore ID 13761
Site Number NH67SE 33
NGR NH 6503 7444
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Rosskeen
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Ross And Cromarty
- Former County Ross And Cromarty
NH67SE 33 6503 7444
(NH 6503 7444) Cist (NAT)
OS 1:10,000 map, (1979)
The authority for the above publication is not known. The RCAHMS field surveyors may be referring to this site when they note, at NH 650 743, a cairn approximately 5m in diameter and 0.5m high, situated 180m ENE of the chambered cairn described on NH67SW 1.
RCAHMS 1979.
NH 650 744 A desk-based assessment and trial trenching evaluation were undertaken between September and December 2005 at a site to be developed as two house sites. A cairn is recorded within the western house site (NH67SE 33).
A walkover inspection found a cairn at NH 6506 7438, outside and S of the eastern house site. This is c 170m NNE of a Scheduled cairn (NH67SW 1). No evidence was found of a cairn or cist NH67SE 33, and this is believed to be the site referred to.
An initial walkover survey revealed a previously unrecorded damaged cairn within the eastern house site at NH 6509 7442. This was excavated but was found to be a heap of stones of 19th-or 20th-century date - perhaps a cartload deposited with the intention of building a dyke which was never used.
No other archaeological features were found.
Archive to be deposited in NMRS.
Sponsors: Mr & Mrs R Smith.
J Wood 2005
NH 6507 7444 Two house sites were evaluated by trial trenching for possible archaeological evidence in October 2005. Six trenches were opened to provide a sample of over 10% of the site area. A cairn recorded by the RCAHMS within the area (NH67SE33) was found to have been incorrectly located; another, not previously recorded but noted on site, was excavated and interpreted as a modern heap of stones, probably a cartload intended for dry stone dyking
Report lodged with Highland SMR and Library Service and NMRS; archive will be deposited with RCAHMS.
Sponsor: Mr and Mrs R Smith.
John Wood, 2006.
Field Visit (October 1979)
Stittenham 1 NH 649 743, 650 743 NH67SW, SE
Three cairns are situated 30m EN E, 90m NE and 180m EN E respectively of Stittenham chambered cairn (NH67SW1). They vary between 4m and 5m in diameter and 0.4m and 0.5m in height.
RCAHMS 1979 October 1978
Trial Trench (October 2005)
NH 6507 7444 Two house sites were evaluated by trial trenching for possible archaeological evidence in October 2005. Six trenches were opened to provide a sample of over 10% of the site area. A cairn recorded by the RCAHMS within the area (NH67SE33) was found to have been incorrectly located; another, not previously recorded but noted on site, was excavated and interpreted as a modern heap of stones, probably a cartload intended for dry stone dyking
Report lodged with Highland SMR and Library Service and NMRS; archive will be deposited with RCAHMS.
Sponsor: Mr and Mrs R Smith.
J Wood 2006