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Culduthel Mains, Knocknagael
Cist (Bronze Age)
Site Name Culduthel Mains, Knocknagael
Classification Cist (Bronze Age)
Canmore ID 13516
Site Number NH64SE 33
NGR NH 6593 4168
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Inverness And Bona
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Inverness
- Former County Inverness-shire
NH64SE 33 6593 4168.
A cist was found at NH 6593 4168 at the edge of a gravel pit by Mr R Milne on 20 October 1970. (R Milne, curator, Inverness Museum) It was c. 0.5m below the ground surface and consited of four side slabs and a covering slab, measuring 1.1m NNE-SSW by 0.8m transversely, and was 0.6m deep. It contained a crouched inhumation, the skeleton being laid on its left side with the head to the NNE. There were no artifacts. Mr Milne took photographs which were sent to the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland (NMAS) with a report on the cist, which is still in situ.
Visited by OS (A A) 9 October 1970.
NH 658 417 An archaeological desk-based assessment and walk-over survey were carried out in August 2006 at pre-application stage to inform proposals for housing development. The site is within an area of considerable archaeological interest, close to other developments where there have been major discoveries, and although it is covered with dense scrub and trees, and contains a former gravel quarry, it is likely that it contains archaeological features and/or finds in the unexcavated parts. Uneven ground in many parts of the site suggests dumping of material, no doubt associated with the former quarry. This could cover buried archaeology.
A cist burial dating from the Bronze Age (c 4400-2400 years ago) found on the edge of this quarry in 1970 could not be located during the fieldwork. It was probably backfilled and its location is now hidden beneath impenetrable gorse bushes. A substantial bank running down the E side of the site appears, on the basis of the old maps, to pre-date the quarry.
Report lodged with Highland SMR and Library Service, and NMRS; archive will be deposited with RCAHMS.
Sponsor: Aviemore and Highland Developments Ltd.
John Wood, 2006.
Field Visit (June 1978)
Knocknagael NH 659 416 NH64SE 33
This cist was discovered in 1970; it contained a crouched inhumation.
RCAHMS 1979, visited June 1978
Ground Survey (August 2006)
NH 658 417 An archaeological desk-based assessment and walk-over survey were carried out in August 2006 at pre-application stage to inform proposals for housing development. The site is within an area of considerable archaeological interest, close to other developments where there have been major discoveries, and although it is covered with dense scrub and trees, and contains a former gravel quarry, it is likely that it contains archaeological features and/or finds in the unexcavated parts. Uneven ground in many parts of the site suggests dumping of material, no doubt associated with the former quarry. This could cover buried archaeology.
A cist burial dating from the Bronze Age (c 4400-2400 years ago) found on the edge of this quarry in 1970 could not be located during the fieldwork. It was probably backfilled and its location is now hidden beneath impenetrable gorse bushes. A substantial bank running down the E side of the site appears, on the basis of the old maps, to pre-date the quarry.
Report lodged with Highland SMR and Library Service, and NMRS; archive will be deposited with RCAHMS.
Sponsor: Aviemore and Highland Developments Ltd.