Invershin Station
Chambered Cairn (Neolithic)
Site Name Invershin Station
Classification Chambered Cairn (Neolithic)
Canmore ID 13023
Site Number NH59NE 4
NGR NH 5793 9584
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Creich (Sutherland)
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NH59NE 4 5793 9584.
(NH 5793 9584) Burial Chamber {NR}.
OS 6" map, (1970)
The six upright stones which have formed the foundation of an oval chamber (Orkney-Cromarty type). The cairn has been entirely removed. The chamber measures 13' N-S by 7'. It has been entered from the S between two transverse portal stones. A slab forms the back of the chamber, and there have been two slabs on each side; that on the SW is now missing.
RCAHMS 1911; A S Henshall 1963, visited 1954.
The remains of the chamber are as described.
Surveyed at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (R D L) 4 June 1963.
No change to previous field report.
Visited by OS (J M) 4 November 1976.
No change to previous report.
Visited by RCAHMS (JRS) October 1989
Field Visit (5 October 1909)
90. Chambered Cairn (remains of), Invershin.
On the top of a low oak-clad knoll, about ¼ m. N. of Invershin Station, and some 30 yards E. of the road, are a number of large slabs which have formed part of the walls of the megalithic chamber of a cairn. The chamber seems to have been undivided, measuring 13' in length by 7' in breadth, and to have been entered from the S. Seven slabs remain, two on each side, one at the back, and two low portal stones at the entrance. The most southerly of the two stones on the W. side has fallen, the others are in situ. All trace of the outline of the cairn has disappeared, but the chamber is still partially filled with stones.
OS 6-inch map: Sutherland Sheet cviii. (unnoted).
RCAHMS 1911, visited (AOC) 5th October 1909.