Blairgowrie, Granary
Granary (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Blairgowrie, Granary
Classification Granary (Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) River Ericht
Canmore ID 112194
Site Number NO14SE 107
NGR NO 1818 4494
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Perth And Kinross
- Parish Blairgowrie
- Former Region Tayside
- Former District Perth And Kinross
- Former County Perthshire
NO14SE 107 1818 4494
(Location cited as NO 181 499). Granary, early to mid 19th century. A 4-storey, 2- by 5-bay rubble building with wooden floors and joists supported on 2 rows of longitudinal baems with wooden columns. Nearby is a similar, but smaller, 3-storey, 2- by 3-bay structure. The larger block is still in use as a store.
J R Hume 1977.
NO 1812 4498 An archaeological evaluation was undertaken on the site of a new supermarket at Welton Street, Blairgowrie. This followed a Desk-Based Assessment of the site also performed by SUAT, which established the potential for on-site archaeological remains. The development was to take place on the site of the former railway station, and to the SE of the original core of the town. The station was demolished some years ago, although some railway buildings survived as stores and industrial units. There were sawmills on the site in the 19th century, before the coming of the railway. It was thought possible that traces of these and other earlier industrial and mill structures might survive on the site. It was also possible that the site, lying on a terrace above the Ericht, might have attracted early prehistoric activity.
The site was extensively trenched, and revealed deposits of ash, railway ballast and railway debris, overlying natural deposits. In the northern part on the site, natural consisted of very coarse gravel, while in the south this was overlain by silt and clay deposits. No features of archaeological signinficance were exposed on the site.
Surviving railway and industrial buildings were photographed and described. The most interesting of these was a former railway engine shed, which still preserved wooden smoke hoods in the roof space.
Sponsor: Santon Capital on behalf of Tesco Stores Ltd.
SUAT 2006