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Sanday, Ceann An Eilean, 'viking Burial'

Structure(S) (Period Unassigned)

Site Name Sanday, Ceann An Eilean, 'viking Burial'

Classification Structure(S) (Period Unassigned)

Alternative Name(s) Canna

Canmore ID 10751

Site Number NG20SE 2

NGR NG 2909 0366

NGR Description NG 2909 0366, NG 2913 0372 and NG 2911 0388

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Highland
  • Parish Small Isles
  • Former Region Highland
  • Former District Lochaber
  • Former County Inverness-shire

Archaeology Notes

NG20SE 2 2909 0366, 2913 0372 and 2911 0388

(NG 2906 0368) (private 6"map annotated by T C Lethbridge) A Viking burial similar to that at Rudha Langaninnis, and probably 9th century AD (see NG20NW 3), lies about 100 yards E of the stack Dun Beag, Sanday. It is unorientated and its setting is determined by the lie of the ground. It is 17' x 4' 4" within the kerb. (RCAHMS 1928)

Lethbridge is of the opinion that none of the boat- shaped burials on Sanday is convincing (Private 6"map, annotated by T C Lethbridge, 1953) and Rivet says they are more probably kelp-drying kilns (OS 6"map, annotated by A L F Rivet {assistant archaeology officer} 1961)

RCAHMS 1928.

Situated on level ground at NG 2908 0370 and oriented almost N-S this structure is formed by two parallel rows of rough boulders embedded in the turf and measuring about 24.0m by 1.5m. The S end is formed by a large earthfast boulder, the N end appears to be open but may be buried under the turf. There are traces of what may be a cross wall 13.0m from the S end and there may be another 5.0m from the S end although at this point the structure has been mutilated and is confused by debris.

There is another, about 100m further N at NG 2911 0380, very similar but having a slightly crescentic curved form on plan measuring 17.0m NE-SW by 1.5m The SW end is barely traceable and probably under the turf. There is a possible cross division 5.0m from the NE end.

About 160.0m to the N at NG 2910 0396, lying along the crest of a low ridge, is another, measuring about 26.0m NE-SW by 1.5m in the shape of a very shallow reversed letter S.

Surveyed at 1/10,000.

Visited by OS (I S S) 29 May 1972.

(Formerly classified as shieling-huts and kelp kilns: location amended to NG 2909 0366, NG 2913 0372 and NG 2911 0388). Three narrow structures are situated at the SE end of Sanday, each of them defined by two parallel rows of boulders set on edge.

The longest (NG 2909 0366) is situated on a rocky promontory at the SE extremity of the island and measures 25.8m from NNW to SSE by 1.3m transversely overall. The structure, which has been disturbed at both ends, has a large boulder forming the S end, but the N end opens onto a patch of boggy ground.

The second structure (NG 2913 0372) lies some 60m to the NE on a flat terrace above the storm beach. It measures 16.9m from NE to SW by 1.2m transversely overall, and curves slightly towards its poorly-preserved SW end. The ends of the structure are also formed by boulders, but that at the SW end has been displaced.

The third structure (NG 2911 0388) lies along the spine of a low ridge and is S-shaped on plan. It measures 20m from NNE to SSW by 1.1.m transversely overall, and its SE side has been robbed; the ends of sthe structure are indicated only by a change in vegetation.

(Canna 1, 2 and 5).

Visited by RCAHMS (ARG), 6 June 1994.


Field Visit (4 July 1925 - 6 July 1925)

Viking Burials.

On the strip of machair below the cliffs at Rudha Langaninnis is a setting of stones (Fig. 310), which has formed the kerb of a burial cairn of a type hitherto unnoted in these Inventories. One similar occurs in Arran, where excavation exposed, amongst other relics, incinerated bones and boat rivets and a coin of the 9th century, a styca of Wigmund (A.D. 831-854), Archbishop of York. Another burial of this kind was located in Colonsay, and yielded, on being explored, skeletal remains both human and of a horse, boat rivets and clinker nails, weapons and three stycas, the latest issued by Wigmund (1). The Langaninnis burial has been despoiled and the kerb only remains, enclosing an area 32 feet from north-west to south-east by 6½ feet from north-east to south-west. The end nearest the sea is slightly rounded, the other end is fairly rectangular, and there may be a small outer chamber beyond it, as in the Arran burial. The kerb is formed of detritus, smallish stones about 18 inches in diameter and height above ground, set fairly close together.

Three other burials of similar type were noted in the adjoining island of Sanday. The first,200 yards east of Ant-Oban, measures 41 feet by 4 feet within the kerb; the second, lying beneath the north-west base of the knoll Sean Dun and overlooking Ant-Oban, measures 17 feet by 4½ feet; and the third, lying about 100 yards east of the stack Dun Beag, measures 17 feet by 4 feet 4 inches. These graves are unorientated, and their setting is determined by the lie of the ground.

(1) Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., XLI., 443

RCAHMS 1928, visited 4 and 6 July 1925.

OS map: Island of Canna liii and liv ; and Islands of Rum, Sanday, etc. (Inverness-shire), lx (unnoted).

Field Visit (29 May 1972)

Situated on level ground at NG 2908 0370 and oriented almost N-S this structure is formed by two parallel rows of rough boulders embedded in the turf and measuring about 24.0m by 1.5m. The S end is formed by a large earthfast boulder, the N end appears to be open but may be buried under the turf. There are traces of what may be a cross wall 13.0m from the S end and there may be another 5.0m from the S end although at this point the structure has been mutilated and is confused by debris.

There is another, about 100m further N at NG 2911 0380, very similar but having a slightly crescentic curved form on plan measuring 17.0m NE-SW by 1.5m The SW end is barely traceable and probably under the turf. There is a possible cross division 5.0m from the NE end.

About 160.0m to the N at NG 2910 0396, lying along the crest of a low ridge, is another, measuring about 26.0m NE-SW by 1.5m in the shape of a very shallow reversed letter S.

Surveyed at 1/10,000.

Visited by OS (I S S) 29 May 1972.

Field Visit (6 June 1994)

(Formerly classified as shieling-huts and kelp kilns: location amended to NG 2909 0366, NG 2913 0372 and NG 2911 0388). Three narrow structures are situated at the SE end of Sanday, each of them defined by two parallel rows of boulders set on edge.

The longest (NG 2909 0366) is situated on a rocky promontory at the SE extremity of the island and measures 25.8m from NNW to SSE by 1.3m transversely overall. The structure, which has been disturbed at both ends, has a large boulder forming the S end, but the N end opens onto a patch of boggy ground.

The second structure (NG 2913 0372) lies some 60m to the NE on a flat terrace above the storm beach. It measures 16.9m from NE to SW by 1.2m transversely overall, and curves slightly towards its poorly-preserved SW end. The ends of the structure are also formed by boulders, but that at the SW end has been displaced.

The third structure (NG 2911 0388) lies along the spine of a low ridge and is S-shaped on plan. It measures 20m from NNE to SSW by 1.1.m transversely overall, and its SE side has been robbed; the ends of sthe structure are indicated only by a change in vegetation.

(Canna 1, 2 and 5).

Visited by RCAHMS (ARG), 6 June 1994.


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