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Field Visit

Date 25 March 1999

Event ID 996382

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This farmstead was recorded during a pre-afforestation survey at Struie hill, Dunning. The farmstead comprises three buildings set round the W,N and E of a courtyard which is entered from the W. The farmstead is levelled into the hillside on the N and terraced out to about 1m, on the S.

A settlement is indicated at 'Streuiehill' on Stobie's map of Perthshire (1783) although it is unclear if it refers to this farmstead or the working farm to the E (NO01SE 12, NO 0644 1057).

T Holden and J Rideout (Headland Archaeology) 25 March 1999; NMRS MS 899/144, no.3

J Stobie 1783

People and Organisations
