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Field Visit

Date 24 May 2013

Event ID 994211

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NN 8056 4008 – NN 8190 4033, NN 8122 4100 – NN 8149 4049 Walkover surveys were undertaken on 24 May 2013 along the proposed routes of two hydro-electric schemes at Pitmackie, Glen Quaich. A desk-based assessment had identified the remains of several farmsteads (NN84SW 11, NN84SW 12, NN84SW 13, NN84SW 14, NN84SW 23, NN84SW 24) along these routes. However, two further settlements were encountered during the walkover survey. The scant remains of a probable farmstead consisting of two, or possibly three, buildings was identified on the N bank of the River Quaich at NN 81615 40334. Close to an unnamed burn that feeds into the river, at NN 81229 40864, stand the surviving courses of what was probably a shieling hut.

Archive and report: PKHT and RCAHMS

Funder: Green Highland Renewables

John Lewis, Scotia Archaeology, 2013

(Source: DES)

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