Archaeological Evaluation
Date 28 August 2012 - 2 September 2012
Event ID 992989
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
HY 294 133 (centred on) A series of 17 trenches was excavated, 28 August – 2 September 2012, to establish the depth of added soil around the eastern half of the Ring of Brodgar. A coherent sequence of deposits, showing variable depths of added soil was recorded in all of the trenches. Most of the trenches contained silty clay dumped on the underlying peat. Two trenches contained gravel laid over black plastic sheeting, while others contained plastic netting or bedding sand directly below the topsoil. The depth of the introduced deposits varied both within and between trenches, but they were on average 100–150mm thick and 2m wide. The deposits often seemed to fill hollows in the underlying peat, suggesting a complicated sequence of repair, carried out where and when it was needed.
Archive: RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: Historic Scotland
David Murray, Kirkdale Archaeology 2012
OASIS ID: kirkdale1-310759