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Aerial Photographic Interpretation

Date 24 June 2014

Event ID 990898

Category Recording

Type Aerial Photographic Interpretation


A ring ditch, a field boundary, an area of rig and furrow cultivation and a firing range have all been recorded as cropmarks on oblique aerial photographs (RCAHMSAP 1992, 2011). The ring ditch measures about 9m in diameter and has been recorded adjacent to the cropmarks of a firing range. The latter comprises four short stretches of pits representing the location of firing butts, and a length of ditch some 170m ESE marking the location of the target. The field boundary extends NE- SW and corresponds with a boundary depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Fife 1856, Sheet 11) while sinuous rig and furrow, aligned NW-SE, has been recorded as soilmarks across much of the field.

Information from RCAHMS (KMM) 24 June 2014

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